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  1. B

    Calcium levels

    I did my first calcium test did it three times to be sure. the brand of test I did was a Seatest by Aquarium Systems. All three times my levels came out to 570mg/1 I've been told that between 400 to 450 is where I want to be. Am I in big trouble what should I do? Any input you guys have would be...
  2. B

    looking for info on how to frag.

    If anyone has info on how to frag my own corrals could you pass it along. I've been reading about you guys fraging your stuff and would to try it and maybe start trading. any help would be great thanks. Bobby.
  3. B

    filter media

    my 30 gal. tank has been up and running for 8 months with 25lbs. LR. and 30 lbs. of LS. coral growth, on the LR. and the back and side walls I would like to know if I can take the filter media pads out of my power filter it's a supreme, model 400-299. when do I know if my tank is ready to work...
  4. B

    new member lot of good info in here thanks.

    I'm about 5 months into my first reef tank it's a 30 gal. I'll go biger later I'll be in the learning stages for a while I have a power filter with a built in skimer 2 power heads 24 lbs. LR. 25 lbs. LS. one of my rocks has some I think it's called Zeinia growing on it it's growing well . I...
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