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  1. W

    what fish enjoys strong current and the top part of the tank

    So the answer for this tank ended up - leave the top level clear of fish. It has mid and bottom dwellers that are happy.
  2. W

    what fish enjoys strong current and the top part of the tank

    That is a nice shoal, bet they look cool in the current!
  3. W

    what fish enjoys strong current and the top part of the tank

    Just getting around to reading this thread! Was away in my hot tub time machine.
  4. Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

    Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

  5. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  6. Multiple Species

    Multiple Species

    If your unsure, can't find a catagory, or there is more than one species in the pic...put it here.
  7. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  8. W

    Girlfight at the LFS!!!

    It would be nice to figure out where the person got the idea that a larger % water change is a bad thing. If it was from personal experience I am sure you could determine what happened to make her think it. Putting water in the tank that is of the wrong temp or colder than your tank could...
  9. W

    What are your top three favorite fish?

    right now: 1. Neolamprologus leleupi 2. Altolamprologus calvus 3. a few killies
  10. W

    ***Snail Identification *** I need help :)

    so it serves me right for posting in this thread... I have a tank with no substrate. I looked at it this evening and I see a large number of baby snails all over the tank and clutches of eggs that look like they are about to hatch... ... lots of them! Almost gross!!! mooooooose
  11. W

    ***Snail Identification *** I need help :)

    Good points t3hRobG! And the other thing is that sometimes with snails you see a few but already have 'many' (be it egg or very small hatchings)
  12. W

    ***Snail Identification *** I need help :)

    I agree with Lisa! - sometimes the snail ratio shows if there is too much feeding occurring.. "sometimes" (*millage may vary.) But I have found with some tanks that I reduced feeding and the snails did not flourish as much. Those ones look pretty cool! Moooose
  13. W

    Hillstream Loach Pics

    great photo of a great loach!
  14. W

    what fish enjoys strong current and the top part of the tank

    thanks i will have to refresh my memory on the different types of danios... Any live bearers come to mind?
  15. W

    what fish enjoys strong current and the top part of the tank

    what fish enjoys strong current and the top part of the tank? Any come to mind off the top of your head? Do guppies? Mooooooose
  16. W

    Seaclear System II....any thoughts?

    I can't speak for the filtration system on those things but I have a seaclear 8 gallon hex that I've owned for a number of years that I am very happy with. It was made with a very good quality acrylic that has held up very well over the years. If that was for sale in my area i would be scooping...
  17. W

    !!! are these EGGS !!!????? which fish ?????????

    Looks like seed to the floating plant to me... :)
  18. W

    How To Move Eggs From Tank Sides to Breeding Tank?

    airstone is always a good idea. Once everyone gets a taste for the eggs they seem to end up waiting for them and then it is you versus fish for getting them out in time ;)
  19. W

    How To Move Eggs From Tank Sides to Breeding Tank?

    Try to pick up some microworms for your next hatch! You could consider have a few of the eggs hatch in a smaller tupperwear type container with a single snail to clean up after the fry and daily water changes.
  20. W

    What’s really necessary for a baby registry?

    Baby Bjorn baby carrier is very helpful. You can carry baby around and actually do things. I had a few different kinds but the Bjorn was the most useful and comfortable and you can have baby face you or face out. For baby formula don't be afraid of the powder. It is way easier to prepare than I...
  21. W

    How To Move Eggs From Tank Sides to Breeding Tank?

    Cory eggs are pretty strong. I've used a tooth pick to loosen them off the side and then easily remove them. People say you can use razor blades but I was always afraid of hurting the eggs. Good luck with your hatch!! Get some microworms if you can for the fry :) Also ditch the white one...
  22. W

    Online store for FRESHWATER fish and plants?

    Some dude posted this link: I haven't tried them. Just read the post and went and had a quick look. Moose
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