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  1. E

    PH / Alkalinity

    Well I took a sample of my tank water and my tap water in to the local aquarium store to be tested. The water was that messed up. It wasn't my strips afterall. He gave me some crushed coral to put in the back of my filter and wow what a difference it made. My Ph is a tad higher. 6.4 and the KH...
  2. E

    PH / Alkalinity

    My tank has been set up since last June. So it has already cycled. I also don't have any ammonia in it. I am using the API test strips right now and I just bought them. Is it better to use the the strips for testing or the Chemicals? I sure hope they are bad and it isn't my tank. The fish look...
  3. E

    PH / Alkalinity

    Well the buffering is my main concern. I worry about the ph not staying stable and fluctuating when I do water changes. I wanted to add some info. Thanks for the help. I THINK I may have found the problem. I was looking in the tank trying to figure out what might be the problem and I saw an...
  4. E

    PH / Alkalinity

    I have a 20 gallon hexagon with a few Angelfish in it. I have had the tank set up since last June and the fish are doing fine. I have been having a few problems with the water tho. For some reason it won't hold the PH or alkalinity. I have been told something in the tank it causing it to loose...
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