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  1. R

    Anyone keep or know anything about Gulper Catfish?

    haha yeah I know how big they get I have a tank ready....55 gallon for him and him alone...will fit him for his entire life...grows to about a foot, maybe a bit smaller...recommended space is a 40 gallon...they are not a real "active" species in terms of needing swim space, anyways...any ideas...
  2. R

    Help me pick another fish

    listen to that NEED SOME PREDATORS! how about a toadfish!?! something exciting!!! Cichlid Station Store - Buy Cichlids Buy Live Fish Buy African Cichlids Buy New World Cichlids or maybe leaf fish! they are pretty docile and awesome all at once! in a 50 gallon you'd prob. get away...
  3. R

    Thing I m gonna add! (suggestions plzz)

    puffers eat invertebrates...getting shrimp will ultimately make your puffer happy, but prob. won't do much as far as cleaning up
  4. R

    Anyone keep or know anything about Gulper Catfish?

    Hey, I'm thinkin' of gettin one and for going the whole salt water tank currently...anyone familiar with gulper cats? or even know where to get them?
  5. R

    Plant suppliments? specific item questions?

    ok I'm gonna stick with just a general fertilizer food for my plants...I have sand substrate which occasionally worries me about plants being about to get enough nutrients
  6. R

    our fish are us please!!!

    2.8!?!?! I thought it said 28!!!!!! Your tank isn't big enough!!! you can place about 1" of fish for every gallon so you could get a nice betta (they breath air so water quality isn't the biggest issue) or a couple guppies...
  7. R

    Need Advice on Cichlids

    post some pics on this site, I bet you can get them all ID'd pretty quick!
  8. R

    Need Advice on Cichlids

    smaller cichlids are docile enough and easy enough to feed I wouldn't worry...just make sure your water quality is ok, "advanced" hobbyist usually means that they need specific water parameters, but most will adapt to a higher PH...just gonna have to do some research...I wouldn't worry too much...
  9. R

    Quiston About Getting Started.

    Cody, don't be tempted by "pretty salt water fishies"! They are A TON OF WORK, AND UPSTART COSTS ARE INSANE. Def. not gonna be doable on a 15 yr. olds budget!!! now...what you need to do is FIRST, find some FRESHWATER fish your interested should start cycling the...
  10. R

    Angelfish died - why?

    agreed...angelfish are delicate somewhat...a quick acclimation to a new tank, new tank stress, or stress from the transition could all have contributed
  11. R

    Eartheater and other cichlids in a community tank?

    I'm thinking of adding either a pair of earth eaters, Zebra Obliquiden, or inca stone fish to a community aquarium housing 2 angelfish, a bichir, and a african knifefish...anyone have experience with any of these species? Any experience would be appreciated. I've heard the earth eaters are very...
  12. R

    our fish are us please!!!

    yeah....too many nitrates, nitrites, etc. in the didn't go through an initial ammonia spike yet, so adding all those fish just spiked the tank levels...water changes, use distilled water...should fix it
  13. R

    build it bigger.....

    ...another important lesson from ...DON'T OVERSTOCK YOUR TANK
  14. R

    Plant suppliments? specific item questions?

    so I'm moving to a bigger tank and I'm going to expand the planted aspect of my how important is a CO2 system? I've seen a liquid co2 solution online at petsolutions, would this work? Also, I use sand substrate with a small amount of gravel (soft bellied bichirs present)...would a...
  15. R

    Guppies, breeding, and feeding...

    I supplement my angel, knife and bichir's diets with tubiflex worms, bloodworms, carnivore pellets, vegetables occasionally, standard flakes and shrimp pellets in between the guppy fry and ghost shrimp...I know they aren't packed full of nutrition but the fish generally like eating the guppy fry...
  16. R

    What to do now?

    Iff'n yer PH was zero I think I found the problem...other than that, what are you filling the tank with? sometimes your tap water will have high chlorine or heavy metals that will kill the fish...did either of the critters show any signs of disease or sickness? or odd swimming behaviors?
  17. R

    This thing is a BEAST man! it weird to be excited with fish tank supplies? BECAUSE I AM!!! AWESOME!!!
  18. R

    Fish that should NOT be sold... or at least should come with a legal disclaimer.

    I hate reading those ads, if I did I feel like I'd own 4,000 fish sad, they deserve a better quality of life than that
  19. R

    Fish that should NOT be sold... or at least should come with a legal disclaimer.

    the 150 is currently housing a red eared slider turtle that will soon be given too its rightful owner (I watched the turtle while they were in africa) , after that I will be converting it to some sort of tank, not sure yet, considered doing a 150 with a wolf fish, really want an arrowana but...
  20. R

    marine betta?

    wow, thats a beautiful fish...
  21. R

    Fish that should NOT be sold... or at least should come with a legal disclaimer.

    I think its important to research ANY fish that you intend on purchasing and housing...I have bichirs and I love them.
  22. R

    Fish Compatibility Advice

    look at giant danios or rainbow fish, they'll be big enough that even when the angels grow up they won't eat them, I have two angels now and the giant danios do well with them at about 2" apiece, mollies work too (swordtails, etc.) Personally I'd look for something that stay near the bottom like...
  23. R

    Angelfish questions...

    I don't think they are of different sexes? maybe? how can I tell?
  24. R

    Guppies, breeding, and feeding...

    I went out and bought a dozen ghost shrimp and 20 or so guppy fry and the crew demolished them in less than 15 min...since I don't have the time to run to the LPS everyday I thought this might be an effective feeding mechanism for longer periods of time
  25. R

    Guppies, breeding, and feeding...

    yeah I'm fully aware of that...just seems like a good way to keep the angels and everyone fed on live feeders inexpensively for awhile
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