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  1. R

    betta spawning questions

    RELAX. Don't stress yourself, don't stress your fish.. you'll be a succesful fishkeeper :)
  2. R

    betta spawning questions

    That's what I do: Generally, after two days, if there's no sign of spawning activity, I feed them. And at this point, I usually re condition them or use another betta(I've got some). Sometimes, the betta pair is incompatible. As for the size of the breeding tank, The bigger, the better. They...
  3. R

    Gourami Fry Clean Up Crew

    Yeah.. This way seems cool...
  4. R

    betta spawning questions

    You're totally wrong in your breeding method. You need to condition them and separate them before breeding. Then slowly put them together... Have you ever tried to move fry??? That's a real pain and they are so small that they can die in the process. I think you should read this: Breeding Bettas
  5. R

    Gourami Fry Clean Up Crew

    Isn't that way too much for fry?? I syphon with an air tube :silly:
  6. R

    Gourami Fry Clean Up Crew

    Some apple snails. But it's better to syphon the wastes yourself..
  7. R

    Silver mollies

    The anal fin of the male is pointed. The anal fin is the one at the bottom of the fish, near to its tail(caudal fin)
  8. R

    Silver mollies

    Silver mollies are livebearers and will reproduce in the same method as other mollies, platies,etc. However, mollies requires some additional salt in their water.
  9. R

    1.5 gallon Hex - what now?

    While I know that bettas should be kept in a minimum of 5 gal, I still considered the betta as it was originally supposed to be in the setup.. IMHO, light feedings + lots of plants would be not stress the betta.. I might be wrong though... ;)
  10. R

    zebra danio spawning questions???

    Easy foods are boiled egg or green water. Crushed flakes can be used too, but you should avoid overfeeding. Its quite difficult to assess the amount of food though.. Perform daily water changes.. That should be fine..
  11. R

    zebra danio spawning questions???

    Java moss will not have a population of infusoria big enough to support all the fry. Get some riccia if you can. Or use my magic secret :P GREEN WATER
  12. R

    Breeding Neons

    Hi. You can add peat filtered water to the tank. Or rain water. Or products like "black water" stuff. Adding Indian almond leaves or oak leaves to your water will also decrease its pH.
  13. R

    how long??

    generally gestation is about 28 days. higher temperature decreases this time and lower temperatures increase it.
  14. R

    What looks like soapy bubbles. . .

    You did not specify which fish you have.. Some fish like gouramis and bettas make bubble nests in water.
  15. R

    1.5 gallon Hex - what now?

    Maybe you should try a Walstad setup for this tank is it is only for one betta(low fish load). The Walstad setup is basically a low tech low maintenance tank. Try to google it.
  16. R

    Neon tetras

    Neon too small? Blood worms are quite small too. They are just another type of mosquito larvae.;)
  17. R

    Platys Breeding

    Don't worry, both are acceptable. Congrats for the fry :) Generally platies are "pre-hit" in tank stores with other males, so when you bring females home, you should expect about three batches of fry.
  18. R

    Neon tetras

    Try feeding freeze dried blood worms. Mine go crazy with that food :) That's just to make them know that you're giving something tasty, don't forget to vary your food.
  19. R

    breeding blue guaramis

    The bubbles won't stick because of the water currents from your filter(I guess you have one). That's another reason why a separate tank is needed.
  20. R

    zebra danio spawning questions???

    But Danio fry can be fed on powdered pellets/flakes(No crushed, that's the trick) You won't get big yields but you'll still get some for your personal usage :)
  21. R

    breeding blue guaramis

    It's best to breed the gourami in a separate tank. You will need to remove the parents after breeding.
  22. R

    zebra danio spawning questions???

    You just need the right food. that's the trick.
  23. R

    Blood Parrots Layed A Ton Of Eggs

    Good luck. Its seldom that Blood parrots are fertile.
  24. R

    zebra danio spawning questions???

    They are cool to breed. One of the easiest of the egg scaterers. Eggs look like a tiny transparent sphere
  25. R

    got my bettas to breed

    you're welcome :)
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