betta spawning questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 31, 2009
Nebraska, USA
OK ive had my betta "couple" in a 1 gal hexagon tank for about 3-4 days now and was wondering if i should feed them after x amount of days cuz i read that your not suppose to feed them during spawning time and i know waiting for them to spawn can take up to a week if not more. They are doing great otherwise, male(Velvet) has a very nice size bubble nest and female(Ruby) is hiding then checkin bubble nest then gettin chased and hides again. Although both have some fin damage(to be expected)

I know its recomended to use a 10 gal but decided to try this, and when the babies are free swimming planning on moving them to a 10 gal...or when they seem strong enough may need some advise on that too.

O by the way if your wondering wat color and type the parents to be are, they both have red fins with blue/green bodies. The male (Velvet) and female(Ruby) is just your everyday pet shop veil tale.

One more thing this is my second attemp with the same female but different male.(saddly the first attemp male(saphire)died shortly after spawning with no aparent sign of illnes...just died) And the first attemp i got nothing.(not shure if it was cuz of the ornement right under the nest or if it was just cuz it was there first time)

Thanks for advise in advance.
You're totally wrong in your breeding method. You need to condition them and separate them before breeding. Then slowly put them together...

Have you ever tried to move fry??? That's a real pain and they are so small that they can die in the process.
I think you should read this:
Breeding Bettas
Did I forget to mention that ive reserched betta spawning for about a year almost every time im online?. Some say half way filled 10 gal, some say 5 gal, some say a plastic container, and some say experiment and find your OWN WAY. Some say to condition them and some say to not condition. Some say to introduce them slowly over a couple of days and some say to just put them to gether after seeing eachother for a couple hours.But none say weather i should feed the parents to be after x amount of days together without spawning.

Ive moved guppy fry and i no they are much bigger than betta fry. And Ive decided when i need to move them, Ill take 1 gal out of my 10 gal tank and set the 1 gal hex in the 10 gal for a couple hours to get the temp the same. Then slowly tip the 1 gal hex into the 10 gal tank.
(with my guppy fry i just netted them and moved them to the other tank, I no betta fry are fragile so i will not net them unless necessary)

My first attemp was a half filled 10 gal with a divider in it.On one side was the female(Ruby) and on the other the male(Saphire).Conditioned them. Waited for 2 days after the male built his buble nest then released the female to his side.Two days later spawn, took female out,and got nothing from it.About a week later male dies of unkown cause,there was no sign of illness,he eat every day....he just up and died on me.

Anyway Ive dicided to experiment and find my OWN WAY this time like SOME websights suggest. So the only question I have now is "IF I SHOULD FEED THE PARENTS TO BE AFTER X AMOUNT OF DAYS TOGETHER WITHOUT SPAWNING?!?"
Wow, ya' know I was going to give some advice from my days of breeding bettas but after re-reading how you've replied to one responder, sheeeeeeeesh.
sorry went a little overbored....I am a teenager but i shouldnt of done that i feel bad now....sorry again i usually dont say anything like that (specially on the net) :(
That's what I do:
Generally, after two days, if there's no sign of spawning activity, I feed them. And at this point, I usually re condition them or use another betta(I've got some). Sometimes, the betta pair is incompatible.

As for the size of the breeding tank, The bigger, the better. They will breed in small containers, but fry care is easier in a big tank. I usually use a half filled 15 gallon tank(2'x1'x1') and I don't need to move the fry til they are quite big. Also, water parameters stay more in control...

I repeat that these are the things I do. You can try and develop your own method. Good Luck ;)
Thanks i had to take them out. The male (Velvet) stopped workin on the buble nest and it fell apart. I guess the female (Ruby) is not breedable. But I got another female (Gem) not to long ago. I was gonna use her but she injured her mouth some how and its still healing. In another few weeks im gonna try again with male Velvet and female Gem. And this time im usin a ten gallon again.

srry again for freakin out on u Rikesh my mom wanted me off the computer and i still needed an answere. (id been on for 3 days almost got me stressed out with my mom yellin at me to get off) and thanks for ur advice ill try it :)
Thanks i had to take them out. The male (Velvet) stopped workin on the buble nest and it fell apart. I guess the female (Ruby) is not breedable. But I got another female (Gem) not to long ago. I was gonna use her but she injured her mouth some how and its still healing. In another few weeks im gonna try again with male Velvet and female Gem. And this time im usin a ten gallon again.

srry again for freakin out on u Rikesh my mom wanted me off the computer and i still needed an answere. (id been on for 3 days almost got me stressed out with my mom yellin at me to get off) and thanks for ur advice ill try it :)

RELAX. Don't stress yourself, don't stress your fish.. you'll be a succesful fishkeeper :)
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