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  1. P

    Switching to the salty side!

    Well I hope the fw people I met dont kill me! I am currently in the middle of breaking down my 45g freshwater planted tank, so that I can setup my new tank. My new tank is going to be a slow start up, and might not actually be set up for a couple of months. I am going to be getting a 75g tank i...
  2. P

    Lighting little confused..

    Was planning on getting.. FLORA-GLO Fluorescent Bulbs by Hagen - Lighting & Hoods - Fish - PetSmart but the 24" is only 20watts.. would it be better (and cheaper) to just go get a fluorescent tube light that is 24" and outputs around a ~100w? I have a 45g tank, thats 36" long.. I need to...
  3. P

    The WIERDEST fish dream ive had..

    So I dont how how it happened. But basically in my dream, fish came in plastic wrapped containers (kind of like toy cars come in, in that hard plastic). And for them to breath there was a tiny whole on the top that allowed air in but the water couldn't get out. I know it makes no sense, but...
  4. P

    lights and a clean up crew..

    If anyone has been following my journal you know i only have a 24" 17w light on my tank.. horrible i know. My tank is 36" long but only has a 24" light in the hood. If i can find a ~100w 24" light is that ok? Or should i go for a 36" since that's how big my tank is. Next clean up crew. Well I...
  5. P

    (Update) - 45g Journal

    So I wanted to start a new thread, the other one just got to long! Sorry I havnt updated for awhile, been real busy with school and other things. What I am using/have: -45g tank -110 Aquaclear filter (sponge, carbon and bio layer) -24" 17w light (I KNOW! Its getting replaced the second I can...
  6. P

    Alternate lighting..

    So i was planning on getting about 2-3 CFL lights and putting them over my tank. Was planning on taking the hood off because i currently only have a 17w light on my 45g medium planted tank. Needless to say that's not near enough. Well cfl lights are cheap and give out a good wattage. I was...
  7. P

    Fish eating plants?

    So my plants seem like they are getting devoured.. and I know I have a pond snail or two, but there is a lot of damage, Like leaves missing and getting chewed off at the stem, I do see some holes on some which i think is the pond snails, but I dunno. I see the fish nipping at the plants here...
  8. P

    Air stone good or bad?

    Right now I have air coming from just the corner of my tank from a strip, as seen here google failed to answer my question, so I was wondering. Is this good or bad. I seen it in someone elses planted tank, but I do not know the benefits / the detriments. I was thinking the benefits because...
  9. P

    Oh no not another!

    And my filter might of claimed another life in my fish tank.. this time.. my mystery snail. I went to check my beautiful tank and I see him on the end halfway sucked in.. I turned the filter off and slowly pulled him out. He did however put his little protector over himself, so he MIGHT still...
  10. P

    I need a name.. my first fish who shows personality!

    So, guess what! My male pearl gourami developed a personality today!! I mean all fish swim to the top when i open it.. i guess that can be considered a personality, but my male lets me pet him!!!! I know its a big feat for me so dont judge me.. He actually chills uptop and lets me softly...
  11. P

    Am I wierd??

    So I do not know why, but I get more excited when people get things then when I do. Like I LOVE seeing posts of people getting a great deal on something or if they just got a new fish. I get oddly excited. I guess it could be envy, but it is general excitement. Would have to say seeing peoples...
  12. P

    Sump worth it for planted tank?

    So I dont know why, but I currently have a HOB aquaclear 110 filter for my 45g tank. And I do not know why but I want to try a sump. I have extra 10g that I wanted to make a sump. Couple questions.. The big one, is it even worth it? I guess I kind of wanted to try a sump just in case I ever...
  13. P

    Wtb carpeting freshwater plant.

    Looking for some sort of cheap carpeting plant, that can survive in low to medium light.
  14. P

    30-40g SW tank.

    Alright not much I can tell you, but my grandfather has a 30-40g saltwater tank. And recently he has been getting a lot of brown on his glass. It easily comes back withen a day or two and it covers the whole tank, well glass. I was wondering what could cause it. I do not have water levels...
  15. P

    Breeding MTS question..

    Well I recently got a 10g tank I was planning on using as a QT tank, but realized.. I wont be getting anymore fish for a while. And I know its a good thing to keep just in case a fish gets sick but anyway. I am setting up my 10g for my MTS to breed like crazy. I was wondering, I currently have...
  16. P

    So I love fish and all but...

    I like other kinds of things as well. Right now in my tank I have.. -3 Gourmai -8 Tetra (4x nean, 6x glolight) -1 Swordtail -4 Platys -3 Guppies -Mystery Snail -MTS -Ghost Shrimp I have a 45g Tank, and I was wondering if there were any cool things I could add. I was looking at fish, and a dojo...
  17. P

    Ferts and CO2

    Well I was planning on getting ferts, recently got into root tabs. Couple of questions. What ferts to get? I do not have any real plants on what plants to get yet, but I was planning on getting some dwarf hairgrass (unless i can find a better carpet like plant), some java ferns, maybe some...
  18. P

    Thinking of setting up a QT tank.

    Well I have room under my main tank, that I could easily put a 5g tank. I was thinking of putting a 5g tank, hang on the back filter and a small heater. I was wondering, do you always have that running, even if you are not using it for weeks? I guess you would because you have to keep the...
  19. P

    Tank starting to smell..

    So my tank was fine, normal neutral smell and everything, and now after switching to sand my tank suddenly smells. Was wondering if this will go away or.. something. Or what could of be causing it.
  20. P

    Local Pond decor?

    So I was reading a thread where someone went to their pond and took some rocks and what not and put them in their tank, I was wondering what would be the process for this, was thinking about heading down to my pond since I am broke for some decor. I know a good cleaning without soup but, I...
  21. P

    Sand Friendly cleanup crew.

    Well I recently switched to sand (using play sand) and I was wondering if there was anything I could get that would clean off my plants and rocks.. I have a slight dusting of sand all over all of them and well frankly it looks horrible. I was planning on getting some MTS for the sand to mix...
  22. P

    Worth getting PetCo? Root tabs, Ferts?

    Well I was at my LFS and saw these following products.. Any of these products worth getting? I know people talk about root tabs, and ferts, but is this what they are talking about?
  23. P

    Pool Filter Sand?

    So right now I have typical gravel in my tank, well I was reading about how cheap and good pool filter sand is. I wanted a more natural look, and I think that would look nice. Also how good is it? Also how is cleaning it?
  24. P

    Oh no!! got stuck to filter!!

    I got a couple new guppies today, off my girlfriend who was just getting overun by them, well one wasnt doing so well. I went to take some pictures to show you guys, but HE WAS ATTACHED TO THE FILTER!! He got sucked into the thing that filters up the water. I turned off the filter and he floated...
  25. P

    Quick question!

    Im mid 50% water change and I kind of wanted to move my heater, Would it be ok if I put it lower in the tank like sideways or even horizontal? Its a submersible heater, I just was wondering how less effective it would be, I kind of just want it out of the way so you cant see anymore.
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