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    milky fluid

    Hi had my tank now for about 5 months everything ok, just did a partial water change turned my back and all my water was cloudy i watched the tank for a few mins and a what looked like a bristle worm popped out and squirted a load of milky fluid. can someone put my mind at rest, worried about...
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    Any one any idea what these fluorescent green worm like things are on my live rock ? Thanks in advance Brendan
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    Is this bubble algae and if so do I need to get rid of it?

    Hi had my tank set up for about 4 months now got some live rock about 1 month ago and ive just noticed all these small silverish bubbles is this bubble algae and if so do I need to get rid of it. Cheers Brendan
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    Dwarf gourami hole in side

    Noticed last night one of my dwarf gouramis had a swelling on one side just seen it today and it seems to have a hole in its side were the swelling was going to quarantine tommorow when my quarantine tank is set up has anyone any ideas about what this is. Cheers brendan
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    Clown Fish Aggression

    Hi Bought 2 tank bred percula clownfish about 6 weeks ago for the first 4 weeks they were fine but for the last 2 weeks the larger of the 2 keeeps attacking the smaller one all the time. Is this normal behaviour. Thought about adding another to draw attention from the one that's getting...
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    Nitrite should I be worried

    Had my tank set up for just over a month and suddenly started seeing nitrite,up until now it was reading zero all the time my parameters are: Temp:-27.1 Specific Gravity: - Just over 1026 Salinity: - 36 PH: - 8.2 Ammonia: 0- Nitrite:-0.1 Nitrate:-20 Phosphate:-0.25 My tank is a 25 gallon...
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    Tetra marine salt

    Hi set up my aquarium and all is well so far I am going to buy some more salt in the next few days, when I set up I used instant ocean but looking around I see that Tetra marine salt is quite a bit cheaper as I am on a budget I was thinking of giving this ago is it any good or am I better off...
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    dead snail

    Hi got a dead turbo snail in my tank the hermits seem to be eating it would you remove it or leave it to them, the tank is a 25 gallon nano Cheers Brendan
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    Turbo Snail

    Hi Bought a turbo snail yesterday for my 25 G nano drip acclimatized for about 1 hour then put in tank and it has not moved since I put it in done all the usual tests and all parameters seem ok. Any advice would be appreciated Brendan
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    Cleaner shrimp

    Hi thinking of getting a cleaner shrimp tommorow my parameters are:- Temp: - 27 C Specific Gravity: -1.024 and a half Salinity:-33 Ammonia:-0 PH: - (Time 19:40):-8.1 Nitrite:-0 Nitrate:-20 Alkalinity:-12 dKH Will it be OK Cheers Brendan
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    Clam? any ideas

    A small golden mussel like critter apeared on my rock a couple of days ago would display pick but cant seem to do it. Brendan
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    Water Change

    Whats the best way to get nitrates down mine are at 20 ppm want to get it down to 0 do I just do partial water changes daily till it goes down or is there any other way Cheers Brendan
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    PLL Lights

    Hi I have 2 lights in my nano 1x36w 10000k 1x36w actinic would I be able to have any corals with this lighting Thanks in advance Brendan
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    PH ?

    PH been 7.8 for last 5 days did part water change yesterday still 7.8 do I need to put a PH buffer in to rise the PH Any help appreciated Brendan
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    Cycle Complete ?

    Had tank running for about 1 week and a half, my ammonia, nitrite are at 0 my nitrates are rising and my PH is dropped to 7.4 is it time for the part water change my tank was set up using live rock from a 2 year established tank and around 1 kg of live sand. Any help appreciated Brendan
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    Live Sand

    Hi a friend who has just shut down there tank has given me about 8 kg of live sand is there anyway I can store it and keep it live until I get a bigger tank. Any advice would be appreciated Thanks a Lot Brendan
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    Blue and white lights

    Hi I am new to all this marine malarky and was wondering about the lights in my 20 gallon nano, at the moment I am cycling the tank and having the white lights come on at 8 am and go off at 8pm, (the live rock is cured) then I am putting the led's on for a few hours then turning it off...
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    High Ph

    Hi just started cycle on my tank, its a 90 litre cube with 15 kg live rock tested ph for last couple of days and its about 9 I know this is to high how do I bring it down or should I just leave it till the cycle is finished and hope it sorts itself out. Used RO water to fill tank so dont know...
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