Blue and white lights

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 25, 2010
Hi I am new to all this marine malarky and was wondering about the lights in my 20 gallon nano, at the moment I am cycling the tank and having the white lights come on at 8 am and go off at 8pm, (the live rock is cured) then I am putting the led's on for a few hours then turning it off completely when I go to bed. I no this sounds naive but what purpose does the blue light serve and should I have the blue running at day too.

Any help would be appreciated


From LA

Blue lights
Actinic Light - Light emissions from actinic bulbs are predominantly from the blue end of the color spectrum. Produces photochemical reactions and simulate light conditions necessary for proper coral growth. These bulbs are ideal for reef aquariums and are best when used with a timer to recreate dawn and dusk lighting conditions.

White lighting
Full Spectrum/Daylight - Emits all the wavelengths of visible light and closely approximates the visual effects of natural sunlight. Contains a blend of all the colors of the color spectrum. General-purpose lamp ideal for all types of fresh and saltwater aquariums.
are the blue LEDs the moon lights or is it an LED strip of Actinic? is it a cube? or a regular 20g tank? cus im wondering if your confusing the leds for regular lights when they are moon lights. cus my nano cube came with the white and actinic bulbs and also had blue LED moon lights built in
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