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  1. D

    i have a Question about a little snail ?

    i got some drift wood at the fish store today and i had the girl there knock off those little black snail's and when i put it in my tank two little black snail's fell off on to the floor and did not know if they were a hazardous to my tank i heard a long time back that the reproduce very fast...
  2. D

    can you buy a gar fish to put in a tank ?

    i really want a gar they look cool and did not know if you can buy them or legally have one
  3. D

    what is the best way to make lettuce sink to the bottum ?

    i am trying to feed my plecos some lettuce and all it wants to do is flout to the top and not sink
  4. D

    how can you tell if a pleco is pegnant ?

    and are the baby's easy to raise i am not sure if she is but i have to pleco's and one is a lil fat but both eat the same amount and she is getting more fat as we speek i just noticed this to day and she seems to be getting bigger and she dose rest a lil more then the male they are in a 55gl tank
  5. D

    how big can a pleco get

    i have a 55gal tank and was not sure how big he will get in it and how long it will take
  6. D

    what is the best way to apliy the salt that is made for fish tanks

    i have some Acu salt and did not know how i should go about putting it in my fish tank it is for fresh water and a guy said to just put the amount that it said in to the tank and a nuther guy said that i should put it in to a small dish and i did not know the right way to go about it ? so pleas...
  7. D

    should i take my Oscar and my cat fish

    should i take my Oscar and my cat fish out when i do a 25% water change ? .Derek
  8. D

    what is the inch per gallon rule ?

    what dose the inch per gallon rule actually mean i have never hied of it and just wanted a lil in site on it thanks ----Derek
  9. D

    can the tail from a fish grow back

    can the tail from a fish grow back ? i have a fish that had the clear part of his tail nibbled of and did not know if it will grow back he is a catfish they said that he is a spinney rebid catfish pleas all comments are more then appreciated . sincerely Derek
  10. D

    dose any one out there own a eclipse catfish ?

    dose any one out there own a eclipse catfish? i just did not know the size they can get to and did not know how long that it would take to get there
  11. D

    is it ok too feed cichlids worms...

    is it ok to feed worms that you buy to fish with to a Oscar ?
  12. D

    is it ok to put a striped peecock eel with a Oscar or a gohst knife

    is it ok to put a striped peacock eel or a ghost knife with a Oscar i just do not want to spend that much money on one and have it just be a snack for my Oscar "Thor" and will they leave my eclipse catfish and my pleco's alone
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