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  1. Freshwater guy

    55 Gallon *Possibly*

    Yeah depending on how the light hits them they may appear more gray at times. They always catch my attention in the tank bc as they move through the tank the colors constantly change. I keep them with labs and a few hongi. Like you I wanted a third species and was thinking socolofi but when I...
  2. Freshwater guy

    55 Gallon *Possibly*

    Others may be able to help sex them for you better than I.... But for a third species you may consider the yellow tail Acie. IMO a beautiful fish and a great addition to a community tank. They have an added benefit of being easy to source.
  3. Freshwater guy

    Fluval canister arrangements

    This is all good info. However, I was a bit surprised to here others say polyfil dosnt slow the flow that much. That has not been my experience. I had to add a second filter to pick up for the drop in flow rate as a result of polyfil. If you have the Means to run 2 filters it is totally worth...
  4. image 345864263

    image 345864263

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    image 2069571523

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    image 2050761501

  10. Mbuna tank

    Mbuna tank

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  15. A little blurry but you can see her belly is concave

    A little blurry but you can see her belly is concave

  16. image 3020300487

    image 3020300487

  17. Kate


  18. Freshwater guy


    I have only ever used fluval canisters, and it is for good reason... I love them and they do a great job IMO. I think you are right to question going too powerful with sand as a substrate. I personally have not used the x5 so I will differ to someone else to answer that.
  19. Freshwater guy


    I have a 46 gal bow front that I have been running a 305 and a magnum filter on with great results. I run 2 trays with bio max one with floss in the fluval. The magnum does nothing for BB. However, it is a champ at removing large debris. this setup has the added advantage of intakes at different...
  20. Freshwater guy

    Please help me id :)

    +1 agreed
  21. Freshwater guy

    Otocinclus and mbuna

    I have also kept BN, the problem is I have alot of lace rock that Pleco's have a hard time getting at. I am looking for something that has smaller mouth parts that can get in the tight spots like oto's do.
  22. Freshwater guy

    Otocinclus and mbuna

    I have kept and loved otocinclus in the past and loved them, they do an awesome job of cleaning the hard to reach places that the larger Pleco's just can't get to. Does anyone know of a similar type algae eater that would be durable enough to place with yellow labs and hongi?
  23. Freshwater guy

    post your cichlid setup here!

    It's actually a Red Top Hongi. There colors changes so quickly, some times he very dark like in that picture and within seconds a pale blue with black bars, and red/yellow fins. They have been alot of fun to watch so far.
  24. Freshwater guy

    Odd Behavier ?

    I have also had yellow lab's attempt to breed at about that size. They continued to go through the motions (unsuccessfully) until both male and female were a little bigger than 2 inches. Like mentioned earlier if no fins are nipped I would consider it just practicing. 
  25. Freshwater guy

    post your cichlid setup here!

    Just got this one up and running recently.
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