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  1. Harry Vysekal

    Daphnia project

    So I brought 110l water butt, iw fitted filter on the input from the gutter, and cut 4 hole in the top to allow some light to get through, also sealed the top with low micron netting, and also used the netting to prevent any Daphnia's being sucked out via the tap Thinking of adding hose to...
  2. Harry Vysekal

    Electric panel installation for dummy ?

    Am kind of new to electrical installation of electrical breakers and panels. I can do some simple wiring and soldering. I have got drip barrack, I am willing to go and do some extra electrical adjustments, I'd like it to have its own electrical panel, but it would need to be powered from wall...
  3. Harry Vysekal

    Electric safety

    Am kind of new to electrical installation of electrical breakers and panels. I can do some simple wiring and soldering. I have got drip barrack, I am willing to go and do some extra electrical adjustments, I'd like it to have its own electrical panel, but it would need to be powered from wall...
  4. Harry Vysekal

    Does any one have planted sump?

    Though it won't be bad ideas to waste all the waste from the sump, so I divided mine, have some work to do on my barrack so I haven't added anything to the sump except DIY stage canister filter, which is on of my posts in DIY, anyway some pictures. And my 15l planted breeder with 2 stage...
  5. Harry Vysekal

    My rebuild

    So I have taken some time to rebuild my barrack, I have 4x 5l container on two shelfs. I have added extra support for each shelf, support for feeding and sump pipe work, I was using zip ties before. Also did new sump feeding pipes for each shelf, I spaced it evenly and same on each shelf, and...
  6. Harry Vysekal

    Dangerous Fish Food Brands

    Am utterly discussed, my LFS had ran out of the brand am buying so I popped into my local asda to buy some food, which I will post a pic of later, anyway I had managed to get the brand I buy and I kept the food aside, I had ran out again yesterday and so I fed them with the other fish flakes...
  7. Harry Vysekal

    Just air

    So I have just received my new air pump its tetratec APS 300, I have decide to go mainly with air powered filters, as you can see I build DIY undergravel filter, couldn't run it properly as I didn't had strong air pump, and there are multiple air chambers built in, so I found out that the air...
  8. Harry Vysekal

    So my progress so far

    So I have lack of space in my bedroom for my breeding projects so apparat of my 60l biorb life and 3 breeding bays in my ikea tv wall, I have decide to build custom breeding barrack from old book shelving, I have 40-50l sump, 3 shelf with 4 bays each hold 5 litre, I have currently running the...
  9. Harry Vysekal

    For Sale or trade: Liverpool

    Hello I have danios both zebra and leopard, some bettas and soon bristle nose plecos with some guppies and possibly mollies stay tuned at Willing to trade or sell just ask!/profile.php?id=373128282787157&__user=100006067057569
  10. Harry Vysekal

    For Sale or trade: Some Danios & Leopard and more

    Welcome to one of our posts, our business is just starting up so don't expect wide range of fish neither availability but you can keep tuned at dnafishes@gmail or via facebook beacause we will be expanding our fish list from time to time so you better stay tuned. Now we are dealing with 2nd...
  11. Harry Vysekal

    Proud off

    Some of my fishes but its so hard to get some decent picture as most of my fishes are shy to come out when am around :P
  12. Harry Vysekal


    I am curious, I brought and tried to hatch brine shrimp eggs for several times, now am using decapsulated brine shrimp solution from water life, am using stated guide on the bottle for the salinity lv and exact temp of around 28-29C + the air pump, but am using table salt (might be my problem)...
  13. Harry Vysekal

    Betta Breeders

    Has anyone breed bettas successfully in the past? And if so what have you did it as I managed to breed my bettas twice now one I get males that don't want to build a bubble nest tried to encourage them with mirror and other males but its useless, I have 5l containers with 4inches of water from...
  14. Harry Vysekal

    Betta barrack

    Any ideas on improvements ??
  15. Harry Vysekal


    My first DIY betta barrack any ideas on improvements?
  16. Harry Vysekal


    Well my idea is to boil driftwood for tannins and use it in my betta breeding tank to protect if from bacteria and fungi things like fin rot and so on..... And also lover the ph
  17. Harry Vysekal


    My male betta all of sudden started to Release eggs from his .. tube but he's defo male as he's so dam aggressive to mi other 3 males
  18. Harry Vysekal

    Water height

    Quesion to betta breeders.... What is the Water height for spawning bettas that u have succeed with?? Every where it says 5-7 inches I tried 3 with succeed but want more info from skilled breeders :) thnx
  19. Harry Vysekal

    Betta spawn Question

    Well I had managed to spawn bettas for my first time without a problem, but yesterday at my 2nd spawn attempt [my pair was conditioned for nearly 3 weeks] my male build a large bubble nest and my female is bulked up so I released her from the divider, my male started to pick on her badly which I...
  20. Harry Vysekal

    Internal Worms

    I concern, I deffinitely have fishes with internal parasite, not sure what type, but they cause the fishes to have sunken stomach and they wont eat at all. They have shoven this sine 2 days ago, so i decided to buy Waterlife Parazin which i heard is good, But I would like to hear your...
  21. Harry Vysekal

    UV Internal Filter Sterilizer Vs Foam Filter with AC

    I have currently 100l tank with active carbon filter, I would like to swap it for UV filter, but I have few questions, and as I heard it doesn’t have a foam or anything that the fish faeces will attach to, so how does it remove faeces & uneaten fish food from the water then :confused: :blink...
  22. Harry Vysekal

    Storing & Culturing Infusorians

    I am wondering if it is possible to store infusorians in fridge or freezer?? for feeding betta fry and are there any tips on the best cource of food to create the culture?? so on my biggest success was with banana peel :/
  23. Harry Vysekal

    GBR Sunken Belly

    I had noticed that in my community tank All of my German Blue Rams had sunken belly, 2 of them had passed and i though that it have to be somethink with water parameters, because i never heard of the disease/parasite before, does any one have tips on best cure?? many thanx
  24. Harry Vysekal

    African Butterfly Fish Breeding??

    I have pair of these amazing fishes, I had done some research but am still hungry for the breeding tips of breeder who had already managed to spawn them and raise the fry up. Every where on the internet it says its difficult to spawn them and raise the fry up, but they cant appear from nowhere...
  25. Harry Vysekal

    Holland Problem

    Hello I had found my Holland ram lying on the bottom of the tank, he have few red spots on bottom of his mouth it looks like he was bitten by other fishes but that never happen before, and if it would why doesnt he move?? I have 60l tank with 2 ram pairs and all of them healthy i brough them 2...
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