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  1. JoeyGGGG

    Striped peacock eal

    Hi just wondering I have mts in my tank. They are overcharging of course so I was wondering will my eel eat these? They are all mostly still small less than .04 centimeters? Thanks:)
  2. JoeyGGGG

    New white spots

    So I have a 55gallon tank and I've had numerous anubias from petsmart in there with atleast 15 other plants. The problem is that today I found white spots( almost perfect circles) on two of the stems on one of my anubias. I have nerites and apple snails that I sometimes see on it, but I was...
  3. JoeyGGGG


    I have a standard 55 gallon tank set up with about 10 amazon swords, 6 anubias, a wisteria, anarchias, or however you spell that, and aquatic ferns. My question is that with a standard 55 with it's original hood could I grow these plants effectively? I have the 15 watt t5 plant growth tubes.
  4. JoeyGGGG

    Plant growth/health

    I have a 55 gallon with a bubble wall running the back of the tank. I placed it at the bottom of my 3 1/2 inch sand bed, because it looks cool when the bubbles come popping out the sand. Okay so anyway I have my plant roots basically touching these bubble wands and the bubbles are coming in...
  5. JoeyGGGG

    Striped peacock eel

    Okay so tomorrow I'm going to get a striped peacock eel, maybe even two. I've done research and read threads on this app, but am still wondering because of the size of their mouth will they eat a mature guppy, neon tetra, danio, or smallish snail? Also is it recommended that there is only one...
  6. JoeyGGGG

    Tank full of snails

    Can a 55 sustain 200 apple/mts snails? Also do snails eat their young?
  7. JoeyGGGG

    Apple snail digging

    Do apple snails sometimes dig into sand? I seem to fun my tiniest snail always shell deep in sand and I would like to know if the filter is burying it or it's just burrowing?
  8. JoeyGGGG


    Would a protein skimmer work in a freshwater setup? From what I've read it just collects unwanted organic material but I may be wrong.
  9. JoeyGGGG

    Neon Tetras!

    Okay so today I picked up 20 neon tetras and I have read that they have their own disease I guess? I was just wondering what the symptoms are and how I can avoid/treat it? I'm in no rush but answers Would be helpful. Thanks
  10. JoeyGGGG

    Apple snail eggs

    Okay so I just came to bed and glanced into my fishtank to see that my biggest apple snail is popping out eggs about 2 every 7 seconds! I am first trying to clarify..... These eggs are already fertilized correct? And second when she is done may I move the eggs to another tank without causing...
  11. JoeyGGGG

    Pond snails

    What is the best snail for an outside pond?
  12. JoeyGGGG


    Alright I was wondering how many tiger barbs I can fit in a standard 10 gallon tank? It would be a barb only tank. Also do they have an issue with plants? Thanks:)
  13. JoeyGGGG

    Plants for ponds

    I have recently set up a 100 gallon pond and was wondering what is the easiest and/or fastest growing plant for my pond? I live in south Dakota so I would prefer if it went dormant in the winter thanks!
  14. JoeyGGGG


    I have API liquid test kit and tonight I decided I would test for nitrates because I hadn't ever tested before, idk why. To my surprise I found that it showed my nitrate levels being around 180 ppm. I plan to do a large wc tomorrow but why is it that high? I have 4 live plants in the tank and I...
  15. JoeyGGGG

    Tank pricing

    What is a good price for a used 90 gallon fish tank? Just the tank...
  16. JoeyGGGG


    How do I keep nitrates things down? I don't have a problem with it but it would be nice to know:)
  17. JoeyGGGG

    New pond

    Ok so today I dug a huge whole thinking I was going to just throw some. Lining in there and call it good. Wasn't the case and I find myself at menards buying a 100 gal preformed pond. I was wondering how many goldfish I could in there max, and if I could keep any smaller organisms like shrimp...
  18. JoeyGGGG


    Is the wisteria that you can purchase at petsmart fully aquatic?
  19. JoeyGGGG


    Alright soooooooooo I was just wondering what is the best brand named water pump to use in a freshwater sump as a return pump help would of course be helpful:)
  20. JoeyGGGG

    pH Confusion

    Okay so I have the API liquid test kit for freshwater and I just tested my tank water and my reading came out to be around 8.8 which I thought was weird so I tested my tap water and it is 8.2 which my test booklet says is ideal for a chicilid fish environment. I have angelfish which I think are...
  21. JoeyGGGG

    Angel not responding to treatment

    Okay so most of my angels have ich and I bought API's liquid super ice cure and have been following dosing Instructions. Which are 5 ml of treatment for every 5 us gallons bit then it says it may be harmful to scaleless fish and I'm pretty sure a khuli loach doesn't have scales so I've been...
  22. JoeyGGGG


    Was wondering what the average price of Rcs is?
  23. JoeyGGGG

    Invertabrates and ich

    Can my snails and ghost shrimp become infected with ich?
  24. JoeyGGGG

    Dinosaur Bichir

    I was wondering will my dinosaur Eat my ghost scrimp? Or any other fish for that matter? And what should I feed him? Currently I'm giving him crushed up freeze dried brine shrimp. Also will he eat snails? :)
  25. JoeyGGGG


    Okay was wondering about how much land would a red clawed crab need? And do they sleep in the water or land or both? Help would be nice thanks:)
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