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  1. LilBangarang

    White Algae or White Mold on Filter

    Hey all, I have a roughly 10 year old 40 gallon tank with an electric yellow cichlid, a cory cat, a clown loach, a clown pleco, and a rainbow shark. For years I've been running a Penguin 350 power filter with an under-gravel as well. I recently realized after coming home from college that my...
  2. LilBangarang

    Undergravel Filter Issues

    This morning, I did a major water change as my tank was looking particularly nasty. I vacuumed all the gravel and went to top the tank back off. When I got the water level back to normal, my undergravel filter spouts just started spewing all of the debris trapped underneath. I managed to net a...
  3. LilBangarang

    Tips for keeping acei cichlids?

    I'm picking up three white tail aceis later today. They're going with my labs, yoyo loaches, and black skirt tetras. I'm planning on getting three rusty cichlids as well. From what I can tell these are a good match. Right now they're in a 40 gallon but I'll be upgrading to a 75 gallon in a few...
  4. LilBangarang

    Yellow Lab Tankmates

    I bought 3 yellow labs about 2 years ago, but 2 have died and i wanted to get some more. Now that my tank has been moved to my new house I have been wanting to get some tank-mates as well as a few more labs. My step-dad has a friend who just bred a whole lot of white-tail aceis. What would be...
  5. LilBangarang

    Cycling Tank After Move

    I moved my tank over to my new house this past weekend and have it up and running. The problem is that while cleaning out the tank and moving everything I let the decorations and filter media dry out. I also scrubbed the whole tank down and hosed off the gravel. As such I have no viable seed...
  6. LilBangarang

    Large African Cichlids

    I had two blue dolphin cichlids in my 40 gallon tank but when I was moving them to my new house in a bucket they died. The male was about 4 inches and the female was about 2. I picked blue dolphins because they can grow relatively large and I have always loved larger cichlids. What are some good...
  7. LilBangarang

    20 Gallon Planted Goldfish Tank Questions?

    For about six months now, I've been wanting to get a 20 gallon goldfish tank, but haven't been able to get a hold of some money for it (I'm 14). I have a 40 gallon cichlid tank in my basement and want to take a serious shot at some aquascaping. I figured that fancy goldfish would be a great way...
  8. LilBangarang

    20 Gal. Build Ideas

    I'm planning on getting a little 20 gallon for my living room. I have a 40 in the basement with some cichlids and want to get a nice little community tank. I was thinking either some semi-peaceful cichs like rams or some exotic goldfish. I know quite a bit about cichlids, but goldfish are new to...
  9. LilBangarang

    Bettas with Discus

    Hey guys, My bro has a betta that I want to relocate to a bigger tank. I'm thinking maybe a 10 or 20. My question is, what kind of fish can I keep with them. I understand no fin nippers or fish with long, flowing fins. Can discus go with bettas? I want to have a really colorful tank while still...
  10. LilBangarang

    Heal Betta

    Hey guys, i've been a dedicated fish lover and keeper my whole life. I have a 40 gallon cichlid setup right now and hope to upgrade soon. My brother has had a betta for a while now and I have had to change the water the whole time he's had it. I left on a trip to Romania for a month and came...
  11. LilBangarang

    Might start new tank.

    Hey guys, I've had a 40 gallon tank with Cichlids for about 1.5 years now and I've come to the realization that I just can't put in any other fish with them. I'm thinking of setting up a 20 gallon tank in my living room with some nice bright community fish. I love the look of the Carib Sea...
  12. LilBangarang

    Danio injured.

    Hey guys. I just noticed today that half of my Giant Danio's tail was missing! What is the best course of action?
  13. LilBangarang

    Cichlid Tips?

    Hi, I've had a 40 gallon tank with some cichlids and other assorted fish for about a year. Everything has been going great. Had one or two tank health problems but I straightened it out quickly. My cichlids are doing great but I want to know something. Are there any really good ways to promote...
  14. LilBangarang

    New Compressiceps!

    I just got 3 dimidiochromis compressiceps. So far I've had no problems with my 2 yellow labs, danios, loaches, or clown plec. I have a pic attatched. Any special tips on these guys as far as special foods and keeping them vibrant?
  15. LilBangarang

    Mixing Tangs and Malawis

    Hey. I have some yellow labs that are about 2 inches now. They are generally pretty peaceful and I was wondering if I could introduce a Calvus Cichlid to the tank. It should be about 1.5 inches when I get it.
  16. LilBangarang

    Malawis and Tanganyikas

    Hey, Can I keep my yellow labs with a calvus cichlid? The labs have never bothered anything save for my cories which were a bad choice to begin with. Do you think that they would stay fairly peaceful?
  17. LilBangarang

    Grow Green Algae

    Hey, I have a 40 gallon tank with a lot of different fish. My dad's tank has all of this green algae and I think that it looks really cool. I've had the tank since June, but I'm still just getting brown algae. How can I grow the green stuff. Should I put something in to unintensify the lights?
  18. LilBangarang

    Moss and Purple Algae

    Hey. Recently I've been noticing some purple algae on one of my rocks. Not like a bluish green, but like a royal purple. Is this harmful or just freaking awesome. Is it an indicator of anything? Aside from that, I've been seeing pictures of people with moss in their tanks. Do I need a special...
  19. LilBangarang

    Giving Feeders?

    Just for the sake of curiosity, how to you get a fish to eat feeders? Either fish or shrimp.:confused:
  20. LilBangarang


    Can piranha be kept in a 20 gallon at least until they outgrow. Would long or tall be better?
  21. LilBangarang

    Are my loaches spawning?

    I have 3 yoyo loaches... The past few days, my medium size has been chasing my biggest loach... Not violently, more like tag... When I turned my light on this morning, I saw my big loach in one of my caves sort of laying down on the gravel at a slight tilt to it's right. It did went from spot to...
  22. LilBangarang

    Calvus Tank

    I have been wanting a small tank with a kind of showcase fish. I found the Calvus cichlids and they are perfect for my criteria. They only get 6 inches, I love the look, and all of my research indicates that they can go in a 20 gallon tank. I have a few questions... What do they eat? Black or...
  23. LilBangarang

    Centerpiece Fish

    I was thinking of getting a small sw tank but realising the huge margin of failure, I have decided to get some cool freshwater fish... I have a 20 gallon with electric yellow cichlids, yoyo loaches, giant danios, a clown pleco, and an opaline gourami... I was thinking this christmas of getting...
  24. LilBangarang

    14 Gallon Cube Stocking

    Soon I'm getting a JBJ 14 gallon nano cube aquarium. Have any of you had experience with these. Is the filtration sufficient? I was thinking of getting some live sand in a wet bag. This will be my first tank. At my Jack's, the lady suggested that I buy their pre mixed solution for water. I was...
  25. LilBangarang

    Getting Started

    I was thinking this christmas of getting a 20 gallon saltwater tank... What are some good fish that stay small and would work together... What kind of filter will I need etc. Thank you
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