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  1. P


    I was wondering what your experience was with Venustus growth rates? How fast do they grow? Can I try to vent them before they mature/lay eggs? I have four right now and they are about1.5" and I need to ensure that I get the proper m/f ratio.
  2. P


    Do any of you all give your cichlids fresh veggies as a treat or supplement?
  3. P

    How long can fish last in a bag?

    How long have you kept fish in a bag? I need to pick up some fish today but the store is about 4 hours from home? Will they make it and what can I do to ensure they stay alive?
  4. P


    At what size can most peacocks start breeding?
  5. P

    First pics of my 125g.

    Here are my first pics of my 125. I'm sorry they aren't the best but I was using my iPhone. I plan on finishing my canopy this week as well. By the way you can't see any of my fish because they're still hiding in the rock work.
  6. P

    DIY 72" lighting?

    What have some of you all done for lighting on your six foot tanks? I don't really have the need for a fancy fixture because my tank isn't planted and houses only cichlids. I figure this is one place I can trim costs by going DIY so please share with me your set ups.
  7. P

    Can't Find my Red Shoulders

    I've been cycling a 125 for a month and a half now so you can imagine my excitement when my nitrites went to zero and I got to go get some fish. I went a specialized LFS who breeds and sells Africans and picked out four Red Shoulders and I've only seen them twice since Sunday. My question is...
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