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  1. M

    help choose a bottom dweller

    So i have 4 platys and 6 lambchop rasboras in a 20 gallon long tank that is planted with a sand substrate and plenty of driftwood and was wondering about what would be a good bottom level fish. I had a red tailed shark before but alas I did not have a good enough lid and I found him on he ground...
  2. M

    help with 20g planted tank setup

    recently i had bought a 20 gallon tank (thanks to the $1 per gallon sale at petco) but i have not yet started doing anything. right now i have a 10g tank that was running smoothly for a while. unfortunately it started getting mirky (i think because of bacterial bloom) and then i went away for...
  3. M

    injured fish help

    i have a sunset platy that is currently injured. she has a spot on the top of her head right before her fin where it is white and looks like the scales are gone. on top of that her lowest fin has been partially ripped off and is hanging at an angle off of her body. sometimes also she freezes up...
  4. M

    Lfs in NH?

    Anyone know of a lfs with freshwater fish around Manchester NH?
  5. M

    pale fish

    i dont really know why but my 4 zebra danios have become quite pale recently. they all lost their blackish stripes that were so predominant at the lfs, but the past few days they have been almost tan looking. does anyone know what is up with them and if they are healthy?
  6. M

    DIY driftwood help

    I've been into this project that I started for about a week. At first I just wanted to make some driftwood but then I started researching it all and learned about bog wood and found several ways of making driftwood suitable for an aquarium. Still I'm not quite sure I'm doing everything the right...
  7. M

    Concerning glass

    I have been using glass sculptures that I made (flame working) in my tank for as long as I have had it (not that long). It has recently been brought up that the glass may be leaching silica into the water. If this is true then the elements used in the colored glass may be leaching as well which...
  8. M

    gauging interest in decoration sales

    hello, im pretty new to the site and aquarium keeping, but for the longest time i have had the idea of completely or just partially decorating a tank with hand crafted glass decorations. also i am in the process of making my own sort of bog wood driftwood hybrid. dont know how that will turn out...
  9. M

    new to the site, 10 gal. tank stocking questions

    hey i'm new to the site and am relatively new to aquarium keeping. i have a 10 gallon tank with one platy and 5 zebra danios. i want to get some more fish, most preferably ones that would either eat algae or scavenge. any suggestions? also i am currently trying to make my own bogwood /...
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