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  1. Cichlids


  2. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
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    Blue Ram

    He should eat just about anything, mix it up with different fresh/frozen foods (bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc) and a quality flake food.
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    corys and stocking a 6g

    Good suggestion... not sure how I overlooked that option :?
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    Java moss question

    I haven't had a chance to try this but you could try attaching java moss to some of that plastic cross-stitch stuff (I'm not sure what it's called exactly but it's basically a plastic grid) and weighing it to the bottom.
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    Help! My rams had babies and now I don't know what to do.

    Let the parents raise them. Put a stocking or spong over the filter intake too so none of them get sucked up. Also, you may want to consider feeding them some sort of fry food like Hikari First Bites to make sure they are getting enough to eat.
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    Ottos do fine with a little salt (1 tbsp per 5g) as do most fish (even scaleless). Just don't add all the salt at once, i'd gradually bring up the salinity by adding half the salt one day and add the other half the next just to ease the transition.
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    corys and stocking a 6g

    I wouldn't do guppies because they will breed and lead to problems but you could do something like 5 neons and 3 pygmy cory cats but not more than that.
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    My pleco is freakin' me out!!

    I've never noticed this behavior in my plecos but it sounds like he's flushing out his gills or something. Could be a sign or irritation but probably nothing to be worried about unless he does it all the time.
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    Calling 30-55 gal tank owners

    The elmers site is a good "guide" except it doesn't really give you any recommended stocking numbers, it just lists about a hundred different species for each type of tank setup and sort of implies that you can put one of each into any size tank over their recommended minimum and everything will...
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    Laying Down

    Um i don't see how Pimafix would help treat a parasitic infection like ich, it's an anti-fungal medication. Oh and just because something is all natural doesn't mean it can't harm anything, it's actually a carcinogen if you check the label.
  12. M

    Can any one identify these 2 little frys?

    HMm the fry look like convicts but it's not unusual for the fry of some species to look different than the mature adults. What kind of fish did your friend have? That would help narrow it down. Edit: Hmm from your post it seems like you don't know what the adult fish are either, is that right?
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    Ram Behavior Question

    This behavior is pretty normal, I keep 2 pairs in a 20 gallon high and they squabble over territory all the time (more when they have eggs, less when they don't) but they never hurt each other and usually retreat back onto their own side of the tank after a little facing off and nudging. It...
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    fast hitting disease- doing a journal for updates now

    Do you have a petco or petsmart near you? If you do I'd go there and pick up a broad spectrum antibiotic like kanamycin or if you can't find that get some Maracyn, it's probably your best bet at this point.
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    Help - I'm killing my fish!

    Also make sure the temperature of the water you are adding to the tank is about the same as the temperature of the water in the tank (fiddle with the hot and cold knobs until you get it right), swings in temperature can really do a number on fish since they are cold blooded.
  16. M

    Fun tank setup help...

    You could possibly do a pair of angels AND a pair of rams, the rams tend to hang out around the bottom and the angels will have plenty of swimming space above and they should all get along with the tetras. If the rams try to breed they may take offense to the catfish though, depending on what...
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    clear? and crystal Clear Water?

    If you do a water change every week (20-30%) there really is no reason to run carbon because you're pulling out a lot of those dissolved organics manually. I only leave in carbon because it's a good place for beneficial bacteria to colonize. I've been running the same bag of carbon in my...
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    "algae defeating moss balls"

    Anubias species will do ok, just won't really grow any.
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    All Glass or Perfecto aquariums

    Don't be fooled, there is no real difference.
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    Ram sick, need help diagnosing it

    Ask the LFS if they will set aside a pair of them for you for like a week and if they are still alive at the end of the week I'd get them. Also you might want to ask what the water parameters are at the LFS to see if there is a big difference between their water and yours.
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    Ram sick, need help diagnosing it

    Chances are you got fish that were sick from the shop, perhaps internal parasites or a bacterial infection. I've got german blues in a tank that's at a pH of 7.2-7.4 and they aren't stressed, heck they keep trying to spawn!
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    Agressive Puffer

    Good theory but dwarf puffers are not brackish fish.
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    "Exo-Terra Riverbed Sand"

    If it can be used in aquatic turtle habitats I don't see a reason why you can't use it with fish, it's not chemically treated or anything, but I would let the aquarium sit for a while before putting fish in it to test for any effect the sand may have on pH. I'd put a sponge over your intake to...
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    High Nitrates

    Florescent lights, although they may look about as bright, do lose a considerable amount of intensity after 6-12 months. I'd rotate in new 2 new bulbs and leave 2 old ones and every 6-8 months replace the two oldest bulbs.
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    New Pleco Finally Shows Himself in Tank-COVERED IN ICK!!

    Using the heat and salt treatment the ick can sometimes look like it's getting worse before it gets better because you are speeding up the life cycle of the parasite by increasing the heat. Also all that disruption to the tank probably stressed the fish out enough to let the ick get a foothold...
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