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  1. robbeno

    Cherry gourami deaths

    Hi my 2 gouramis have died on me, all water parameters are fine, had them 7 weeks, 1 died 5 days later other did, they lost colour then stayed at bottom hardly moving, not sure if I'm suppose to give diff feed to there diet as I'm only giving flake food : advice would be gratefull Rob
  2. robbeno

    goldfish, koi, feeding in winter ?

    Hi, Ive read you stop feeding koi in the winter, when it gets less than 10c/50f does this go for goldfish, grass carp, & golden orf aswell ?? Does it mean stop feeding at water temp or air temp ?
  3. robbeno

    pump & bio filters in winter

    What's the situation of running pump & filter in icey weather ? I'm told by some you let it run all year round, Then ppl tell me, no way bring in doors as soon as winter is here, clean store away until spring So what's the best thing to do ? Thanks in advance guys
  4. robbeno

    Goldfish tranfer to pond

    Will it be okay if I move goldfish to a new pond,there in tank now wich is in a warm place, water temp is very warm, outside pond is very cold indeed, will they be ok outside, I'm overstocked in tank and there swimming in ammonia constantly over 2.0ppm, 11 fish i need to move 9 and start. A...
  5. robbeno

    oxygenating pond

    Any ideas wich is best air pressure for a pond, is it the submersible ones ? Or anyone used the blagdon pa 2 ?
  6. robbeno

    Help! best way to transfer

    Hi, wich is best way to transfer goldfish that's in tank in a very warm climate, into a pond wich is around 50f 10c, and will they go into hibernation from tank to pond ? If so I wouldn't need a bio filter is this correct ? Just oxygen I suppose is needed Thanks in advance Rob
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