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  1. J

    Sexing help

    In regard to the Rivulatus, I would expect to see more of a nuchal hump in a male. Im glad you said male...I want a male Rivulatus. But im worried because he/she doesnt have much of a hump. I will get you some more pics..Thank you for your help
  2. J

    120g for African Cichlids

    I had a mixed malawi tank, Demasoni, Labs, zebras, then I tried to rotate in some peacocks...Bad results, All male peacocks are a much better idea. Now I keep just a few large SA cichlids...
  3. J

    120g for African Cichlids

    Its been my experience that you should not mix them. I just kept losing expensive peacocks. Mbuna are just aggressive. Ive kept all kinds of mbuna. They just don't like peacocks or haps. I have a 125 gallon tank as well. Never tried over stocking.... that may work well, it has for others Justin
  4. J

    Sexing help

    Hey guys help me sex and identify these 2.
  5. J

    Starting a 180 gallon in Thailand

    The easiest, most flexible filter is a sump. Not to mention a large tank needs a sump IMO. Yes you can use a can filter. But a sump really is the way to go.
  6. J

    125 Mixed Malawi tank Update

    Me too!
  7. J

    Jealous Cichlid

    So...Some of my labs were trying to spawn. They were successful but my Zebra was not having it!!!LOL!
  8. J

    Stock List for Mbuna 120G

    Be have to watch the male to female ratio closely. It's fine when they are young. I decided to go all male fish. I've mixed mbuna, peacocks, haps...i still have to watch them close. Females cause chasing to turn to killing occasionally
  9. J

    125 Mixed Malawi tank Update

    Here is a new video. I've got some new fish in this all male 125 125 Gallon Mixed Malawi Peacock/Hap/Mbuna aquarium - YouTube
  10. J

    Demasoni colored up!

    Yeah, I've had them for about 3 years. They are dwarf cichlids, so they don't get real big. Your zebras will be way bigger.
  11. J

    Demasoni colored up!

    No...i didn't know about it...the drift wood is red spiderwood. I love it!
  12. J

    Rams digging in sand

    Cichlids love to dig...they dig up my deco all the time...could be making a love shack. So to speak
  13. J

    Demasoni colored up!

    Well, love its in the air. I took this opportunity to take some video. They look pretty in breeding dress.
  14. J

    New filter setup

    Cool man!!! I get pumped over sumps and plumbing as well!!!
  15. J

    youtube users videos

    heres a quick one Testing out a new camera 125 Gallon African Peacock and Hap Aquarium - YouTube
  16. J

    African cichlid ID

    possible lethrinops intermedius, look into that. Maybe too long a body
  17. J

    Help!! Dealing with bloat!!!

    Stick to nls and veggies. Keep your water prefect and get a test kit. Good luck
  18. J

    Help!! Dealing with bloat!!!

    You should run a few doses of flagyl..They will have it at your pet store.
  19. J

    Help!! Dealing with bloat!!!

    First off I'm very sorry you're dealing with this. A few questions. What are you feeding? What are your water test params? Do you have a hospital tank?
  20. J

    Help with Rockwork

    Hey there, I hope he does ok. I've never had a healthy fish get stuck like that. Interesting...
  21. J

    I find this difficult to answer alone, can someone help?

    I have 100 lbs of dead/live rock in my peacock/hap tank. It keeps my PH dead on 8.0. I have noticed no fin or body damage from the edges. Yet.... 125 Gallon African Peacock and Hap Aquarium - YouTube
  22. J

    sex my borleyi

    I am sure he is not getting bullied. He/She is never hiding or the chasee. Always acting dominant. I was hoping someone could tell from the vent picture.
  23. J

    sex my borleyi

    Not if its a female....But no one can seem to tell me what the sex is.
  24. J

    sex my borleyi

    My Borleyi doesn't have a blue face. That's why I am worried lol!
  25. J

    sex my borleyi

    new vid I look this video this morning. Maybe it can help
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