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    Serpent Star lost 3 legs...HOW?

    I'm scratching my head again. My perfectly-healthy Banded Serpent Starfish, a very nice 12" across with 5 legs last night suddenly showed up in the fuge, on it's back, with 3 legs down to about 1" long. This is in the refugium, so there are no fish or crabs. Only occupants are 1 turbo...
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    Does a busy cleaner shrimp mean I have parasites?

    Hi forum! Got a question regarding my Raccoon Butterfly. It passed QT at the LFS and then a month of it in my own QT, with no problems. Added it to the main over a month ago, lately I noticed it rubbing on rocks once in a while, maybe a couple times a day. Bought a cleaner shrimp this...
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    Asian market seaweed suitability for herbi-/omni-vorus fish

    Hello forum...not really a problem this time, more gathering of information. I am finally convinced that the roasted seaweed (Yaki Nori/Sushi Nori) from the local Asian market is as good as, if not superior to, the stuff you pay a premium price for at the LFS. My Tang, Angel and Butterfly go...
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    Do fins "break"?

    Hello forum. Got another specific question that I'm not finding definitive answers for. My yellow tang came out of QT about a month and a half ago, she had some nip marks in her fins from the damsel that I returned to LFS, but those have since healed up. After moving her to the main and...
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    Racoon Butterfly and Starfish?

    Hello Yellow Tang has finally moved to the main tank, now I need to figure out what to get for the final two fish. I found a gorgeous Racoon Butterflyfish (juvenile) yesterday at the LFS and put a hold on it. I *think* it should have sufficient room in my tank (75g, 80#LR) and be...
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    Yuck, what is this on my Yellow Tang?

    Hey a little issue here. I got a Yellow Tang a couple weeks ago and it had been doing just fine in my QT, and then yesterday, some brownish spots appeared on one side, about halfway between the dorsal and pectoral fins. At first, I thought it might have brushed up against...
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    Advanced Water Chemistry Question

    Hello forum.... I have what I think is an advanced water chemistry question. Maybe it isn't that tough, but it's way over MY head. I have a 75g FOWLR tank with 80 lbs of LR and 55 pounds of crushed Florida coral for a substrate. This tank has been established for almost a year now, and the...
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    Building a Fuge, seeking lighting recommendations

    Hello forum! I've decided to take the plunge and add a fuge to my big SW tank. I'm not a fan of the HOB type, because I think that would just be too much weight hanging on glass, so I'm building my own. This will sit off to the side and slightly above the main tank. I will pump water from...
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    Clownfish stopped eating suddenly

    Hello forum...scratching my head here. Suddenly my false percula stopped eating about 2 days ago. Formula One, Formula Two, live brine, doesn't matter, he's not having anything to do with food (not actually sure if male or female). I've had him for a couple of months, he was quarantined...
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    Any other Indian Yellowtail Angel owners out there?

    Hi forum....haven't heard from me for a problems, just an inquiry. Yesterday, I got the opportunity to purchase an Indian Yellowtail Angelfish (a.k.a. "Cream Angel"), taxonomic classification "Apolemichthys xanthurus". BEAUTIFUL fish! Maximum length 7.9 inches, which is about the...
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    What are these little white things?

    On one wall of my 75g SW tank, I have some tiny little white things on the glass, about the size of a pin-point. I can tell they're moving on their own because they change direction and start-and-stop, as opposed to moving randomly in the water. There are dozens of them walking around in the...
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    Two's company, six is a crowd

    Well, statistically-speaking, having 6 angels in one tank gives me a 95% chance of having one breeding pair. And my luck paid off. This morning, I found out not only do I have a breeding pair, they were laying their first batch of eggs! Fortunately, it turned out to be two of the Gold...
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    When your QT bio-filter breaks down....

    Hey another situation that the books don't offer much advice on. Or maybe they do and I'm just not understanding it. 2 weeks ago, got a tiny baby Clown and Royal Gramma. 2 days later, Gramma had white spots and died. I assumed it is/was ich, but flushed it without necropsy (one LFS...
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    Starfish and Ich

    I see other posts out here about ich, but didn't notice one that specifically tanks about how it affects starfish. I just added a tiger-striped serpent star 2 days ago (along with a clownfish and a gramma). There were no other fish in the main tank and my QT wasn't ready yet, so into the big...
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    More fish suggestions - 75g

    Hello forum! I've seen different suggestions for fish lists, they sound very good, but of course I have my own tastes. The 4 chromis I started in my tank have gone to fish heaven, so I guess I get to start over. I have a fully-cycled 75g FOWLR tank (80# LR), 55# Florida Crushed Coral...
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    Is hairy brown stuff bad in a FOWLR?

    I've had 80 lbs of LR in my tank for a few weeks now, which has cycled successfully, but last week I rearranged them to their now-permanent home. The pieces on the very top (closest to the lights) are getting brown algae that looks hairy (thin filamentous growth) and is reproducing rather...
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    Green chromis dying

    Hi all! I finally decided to take the plunge and bring home the first 4 fish for my SW QT. They haven't eaten a bite since I brought them home, which I thought at first might be them just getting acclimated. Last night, one of them was swimming along on the bottom, he couldn't even right...
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    Green Chromis won't eat

    I just brought my first SW fish home 2 days ago, 4 Green Chromis. They've been in my QT since then, and they haven't eaten a thing. I've tried frozen brine shrimp, freeze-dried brine shrimp, freeze-dried plankton, bloodworms, tubifex worms, "Formula One" (frozen food) and yes, even tropical...
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    Could I possibly have cycled this fast?

    Hello forum: I set up my 75g SW tank a few weeks ago and have 80 lbs of Fiji rock curing in it (the intention is for a FOWLR tank). It was still damp and absolutely covered in smelly bacteria and lots of other stuff (including some waterbugs that found their way into the box before it was...
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    I think my Platy is pregnant

    I've had my 16g FW community tank on 86 to treat for ich the last 9 days. I've noticed the two platys being all lovey-dovey (either that or one is seriously fussing at the other), but now one of them appears to be getting a notable bulge in the lower abdomen. I don't think I'm overfeeding, but...
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    To plant or not to plant (Angel species tank)

    Hello forum: I'm putting up a new tank (my 4th, oh jeez), which is a 30g FW. I specifically got the X-tall model with the intent of building a species tank just for Angels, with plenty of room. I've never used real plants before, and the plastic ones for taller tanks usually look so cheesy...
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    Effective Cleaning Techniques

    Hello forum: Here I come looking for help again. I'm treating for ich right now, and my ammonia is out of control (my tank is/was starting to cycle). I have done a 30% water change daily for the last 3 days. Last night, I saw it dip to .50ppm right afterward, but today it's right back up to...
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    Second fish found dead

    Hello. I am working on a 16g FW tank that has been up for 9 days and is already starting to cycle. Last Friday, an unauthorized fish (Betta) was put in the tank and was found dead Saturday morning. I removed it and watched my other fish. This morning, I found white spots on the fins of 3...
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    New Tank, First Snags

    Hello everybody! I have hit my first snag w/my 16g FW, actually two of them. So far, the advice I've seen on here is much better than what's in some of the books, so I will turn to the forum. First full week w/my new setup (2 Platys, 2 Zebra danios), putting together a peaceful tank, put a...
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    Test kits vs. test strips

    Hello forum! I apologize if this topic has already come up. I tried to do a search through the forums, but my PC keeps hanging when I do, so I'll just start a new topic. I'm still working on getting my 16g FW to cycle, and see many of you recommending the test kits (with all the test tubes...
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