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  1. Eleven13

    What Ferts to Use

    Go with the ZooMed "Ultra Sun" bulb. It's what I have in my tank and it looks fantastic. I wasn't a fan of the "flora sun" bulb, it made things a weird color IMO.
  2. Eleven13

    Should I re-rinse my sand?

    Thanks for the advice, I think that is what I will do. I figure I might as well do it now while I don't have anything in there, especially if it will benefit me in the long run. I'm not sure if I'll be able to use a pillow case though, so if I go back to my bucket method (it's like a 15 gallon...
  3. Eleven13

    Should I re-rinse my sand?

    Hey everyone, I just switched substrates yesterday from gravel to sand. I currently don't have any fish and only two plants, both of which are tied to driftwood and not planted. I bought 20lbs of Petco white aquarium sand for my 10 gallon tank. The directions on the bag weren't very specific...
  4. Eleven13

    Hole in my betta's side, please help! (pics included)

    Hey everyone, I've had my betta for about 2ish years now. He's in a 3 gallon marineland eclipse system with 3 live plants (2 betta bulbs and an anubias). The temp is generally between 82 and 86F and I do 50% water changes weekly. He has been doing very well, but he gets scared easily and I...
  5. Eleven13

    Gash on betta's head, how can I save him? (Pics included)

    Thanks for the response Berylla. Good news, he actually looks a lot better today and I got him to eat some pieces of frozen bloodworm. I did another 50% water change and ended up adding Stress Coat to the water so I'm hoping that will help chill him out and get him eating well again. If the...
  6. Eleven13

    Gash on betta's head, how can I save him? (Pics included)

    Thanks again, I actually do use prime and used it the past two 50% water changed I did yesterday and the day before. I'm just confused because the tank has been running without a filter for a long time now and he's been a happy camper up until earlier in the week. I will test the water and see...
  7. Eleven13

    Gash on betta's head, how can I save him? (Pics included)

    Thanks for the reply, assuming he survives this ordeal I am going to get him in a better tank. I have one but I've been trying to fix the light fixture recently but then this happened. I will look into melafix and prima fix, what is the most concerning to me right now is that he won't eat and...
  8. Eleven13

    Gash on betta's head, how can I save him? (Pics included)

    Hey everyone, My mother has had a betta for about a year and a half now. He's in a 1 gallon heated (sort of...the heater is trash and only keeps the tank around 74) tank. It has a filter but it doesn't get run often because he gets blown around by the current and stuck to the intake. I planned...
  9. Eleven13

    What Type of Plants Can I Support?

    Haha thanks, that's Valentino (girlfriend got him for me for Valentine's day :lol:) My lighting is a simple T8 6 watt fluorescent, nothing fancy. I used Seachem excel in very small doses to initially tackle my algae problem, but that mixed with the light reduction helped a lot. Just something...
  10. Eleven13

    Plants and Sand?

    Thanks for the link, that stuff does look pretty nice, fortunately I don't have any fish in the tank currently, so any type of cycle wouldn't be a problem.
  11. Eleven13

    What Type of Plants Can I Support?

    I have plants in my 3 gallon betta tank and they do fine, I had algae issues in the past but I reduced my photoperiod to 8 hours and it solved the problem. I have anubias, anacharis, a crypt (currently going through crypt melt....waiting to see if it'll recover), and a bunch of aponogeton...
  12. Eleven13

    Plants and Sand?

    Thanks for the advice, I want to change my 10 gallon over from gravel to sand and I'm trying to gather all of the info I can before I make a move :D I've heard great things about dirt, but I'm still not sure about it...I'll probably go with some sort of sand this time around and look into dirt...
  13. Eleven13

    Parrot cichlis and other hybrids

    I kept blood parrots a long time ago and loved them, maybe I'll get some more in the future once I get my hands on a bigger tank again ;)
  14. Eleven13

    Question about fish stores

    Ich. Lots and lots of ich. Not so much at local stores, moreso at chains like Petco, etc.
  15. Eleven13

    Diatoms? or......?

    That looks similar to what I had on the leaves of my anubias in my betta tank. I ended up reducing the photoperiod to 8 hours, and within about a week it became very loose and I was able to just brush it off and get rid of it with a water change.
  16. Eleven13

    Plants and Sand?

    You have to be VERY careful buying plants at petco.....things are often mislabeled (or not labeled at all) and if you ask the LFS worker they usually will have no idea and will sell you non-aquatic plants like Dracaena and things. rkilling, would you recommend PFS with root tabs over a nutrient...
  17. Eleven13

    Recently Changed Substrate, now I've got some Questions!

    I don't know a whole lot about lighting, but micro swords are technically a "low light" plant, so you should be able to keep them alive and keep them looking nice with low lighting. However, to get them to take off and spread is another ball game. They are very slow growing plants to begin...
  18. Eleven13

    Recently Changed Substrate, now I've got some Questions!

    Not sure of the time frame on the liquid fertilizers, but as long as your plants aren't showing signs of deficiency (holes, color changes, etc) you can rest assured it's doing its job. Micro swords are tricky....I have them as well and they are a root plant which means they will get most of...
  19. Eleven13

    Changing substrate? (Gravel to Sand)

    Thank you for the advice, by a sponge filter do you mean covering the intake with a sponge or is it completely different filtration? Would I need that even if I went with something like PFS (Which I hear is heavier) or Flourite?
  20. Eleven13

    Melting plants

    No problem!
  21. Eleven13

    Rotten Flourish Comp?

    Yeah it is optional, I was just wondering to try and figure out what could have happened. To be honest I'm not sure, however strong scent as well as color changes could indicate a chemical change that occurred within the solution. Hopefully someone else will also chime in that has more...
  22. Eleven13

    Melting plants

    Trim them, cutting off dead/dying parts of a plant allows the healthy part of the plant to divert more energy into new growth as opposed to trying to keep the dying parts alive.
  23. Eleven13

    Rotten Flourish Comp?

    How old is it? And do you refrigerate it?
  24. Eleven13

    Changing substrate? (Gravel to Sand)

    Hey everyone, When I first set up my planted 10 gallon, it didn't cross my mind to use sand as my substrate instead of gravel, so I went ahead and used standard aquarium gravel. However, after seeing how nice sanded planted tanks look, and hearing the essentially unanimous opinion about how...
  25. Eleven13

    White Mold Growing on Sumatra Wood

    If I recall correctly, it feeds off of the wood, not necessarily the fertilizers. I continued to dose my tank with ferts while I had it and it eventually just died off anyways :thumb:
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