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  1. Duck645

    Self-Sustaining Tank???

    How to Make a Self Sustaining Aquarium Out of curiosity I was searching for examples of a self sustaining aquarium and I found this article. Could this actually work? Has anyone had experience with a self-sustaining tank before? Any general discussion about the topic would be great!
  2. Duck645

    Ghost Shrimp Compatibility

    Has anyone kept ghost shrimp with boesemani rainbows? Mine are small (1-2 inches) right now, but you never know if they will go after the shrimp. Will the rainbows eat or harass the shrimp or will they be fine?
  3. Duck645

    BN Pleco Problem

    I have a small (2-3 inch) bristlenose pleco who has a tendency to hide in the mouth of the "Balinese Dragon" bubbler ornament from Petsmart. He has not gotten stuck in it and comes out at night to eat, but I'm worried he will get stuck. Will the pleco know when he's too big to go in the...
  4. Duck645

    Threadfin Rainbow School

    I have 3 threadfin rainbows in my 36 gallon and I want to get around 3 more because they are schooling fish. Right now, I have 1 male and 2 females. If I get more is it better to keep the 1:2 male to female ratio? Or is it okay to get more males than females (for display purposes)? I am mainly...
  5. Duck645

    Pleco and Snail Compatibility

    Hey guys, I have a bristlenose pleco in my 36 gallon bow front and I was looking to get some some snails (for additional clean up crew and because they are fun). I'm planning to get either mystery (apple?) snails or nerite snails, but I have heard rumors of plecos sucking snails out of their...
  6. Duck645

    Stocking Suggestions for 36 Gallon

    Hey guys, I have a 36 gallon bow front aquarium which had: 5 harlequin rasboras 3 peppered cories 3 julii cories 1 bristlenose pleco The use of a fungal treatment caused a major cycle reboot and slaughtered most of my fish :(. Now the tank has: 2 harlequin rasboras 1 peppered cory 1 julii...
  7. Duck645

    Very hard water

    Both of my 10 gallon tanks have ''Very hard'' water. Is this going to be a problem? I know that my rasbora het. prefer softer water but is that a need? How do i get the water to soften? (without all that crazy reverse osmosis ion reverser stuff)
  8. Duck645


    Right now I have two 10 gallon tanks. 10 gallons are easy to care for and a joy to have but the stocking options are so limited. Would it be better to upgrade to a 20-30 gallon tank and sell the two I have?
  9. Duck645

    Sick cherry barb?

    I have a 10 gallon tank with 5 cherry barbs in it. One of them is significantly larger than the rest of the males and easily dominates the younger males. However, all he does is hide in his little tunnel. He's very pale and almost never eats (at least when I'm around). The other barbs have...
  10. Duck645


    Hey everybody, I am a pretty beginner tropical fishkeeper with lots of questions. I hope all of you are willing to help me out!
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