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  1. shuvit

    bubble in ADF stomach?

    Our son accidentally caught his frog with an ornament. 10 mins later what I can only describe as a small round ball seemed to move inside its stomach just under surface of skin. After 10 mins or so it's whole stomach skin is inflated, it looked like it was full of air and the skin transparent...
  2. shuvit

    bagged a bargain

    just bagged myself a 50l tank (about 14 gallon) including stand, lid, light, heater and filter for £20 (around $33!) I'm buzzing lol even included 3 tri colour dwarf gourami, betta (which I rehomed), 13 young guppies (will be split up into my other tanks once I know their healthy) and an...
  3. shuvit

    can anybody tell me if its ich?

    Or something else? Fish dropping like flies, only a couple of guppies git a couple of white spots. My plattys that have died had nothing visable, just got listless and then died. Lost several fish in last 48 hours. Did a 30% water change Friday, a 50% yesterday and changed sand for gravel...
  4. shuvit

    wonkey swimmers

    All my egg laying fish are swimming at a sideways angle, the livebearers in tank are all fine, I have tetras and gold barbs that swimming funny. Water has been tested. Ph 7.5 Ammonia 0 NitrIte 0 NitrAte 20 Can anybody tell me what's happening? Have just put some shelled peas in and only feed...
  5. shuvit

    platy vent...

    Ok, so I have a female platy, she's been hiding in the plants really still for last few days, her 'vent' is white, swollen and rather open.... I wouldn't have said she was particularly large, is it normal for their vents to be like this? It's got bigger over last few days lol, don't want to be...
  6. shuvit

    identification pleeease :-)

    What kind of fish is she, and is she pregnant?
  7. shuvit

    protozin not working?

    I have finished a course of treatment today (day 6) but a couple of my guppies are still flashing and still look to have inflamed gills. Shouldn't this have stopped by now? :-( the treatment was for fin rot and columnaris. Water is ph 7.5 Ammonia 0-0.25 (in the tap water) NitrIte 0 NitrAte 10...
  8. shuvit

    breeding nets

    Bought a net with the fry catcher bit at the bottom, then read how people are not liking them. What's your opinions and why?
  9. shuvit

    guppies getting ill overnight, please help

    Here was my guppy last night, had what looked like white patch either side of tail but fin was intact This morning her tail is bein eaten away One of my males also have red spots on his tail.
  10. shuvit

    ammonia readings

    After having zero ammonia I was rather miffed to suddenly start getting a 0.25 reading in both my tanks after changing nothing. Tested the tap water and low and behold, its 0.25 ammonia! Is this normal and should I worry?
  11. shuvit

    is my fish dying?

    I can't even tell you what it is as the woman that id'd everything has been wrong so far, he's staying on bottom of tank, no moving for ages, then swimming off and hiding then quick swim then back to the floor.
  12. shuvit

    identification (again) plz

    Hi peeps, had 2 different opinions on these, can anybody clear it up for me?
  13. shuvit

    how long till birth?

    Got best pictures I can, any idea how far off she is?
  14. shuvit

    oh dear...

    I'm checking this site more than Facebook.....I think I have a problem.....
  15. shuvit

    identification please?

    Hi all, anybody know the name of this fish? Only thing I can find anywhere near it is an x ray tetra and these are a good inch bigger than those with no colour at all except the tail. All the bones are visible. X
  16. shuvit


    Well its taken 3 weeks and lots if water changes but finally got my tanks to a perfect water standard! Is it sad that I'm so happy? Lol
  17. shuvit

    Apple snail burnt?

    Somethings wrong with my snail, any ideas anyone? It's hardly moved since this morning. It was fine last night :-( the black appeared overnight.
  18. shuvit

    identifying fish

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum guys, was just wondering if anyone can tell me what this fi (when I remember how to add a pic) sh is and if its peaceful. I have a black and white striped one too, they came with the tank.
  19. shuvit

    sick guppies

    Hi there, sorry ive not done all the profile info, I'm on my phone. I've notices this evening One of my guppies has a very thin white string coming from it and looks pregnant. I'm pretty sure he's male though :-s had a problem with fin rot and lost 6 guppies after our red tailed shark started...
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