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  1. Aqueonevolve4

    Playboy 10 gallon

    Hi all, as many of you who have ever owned platies know, they like to get down. I bought three of them and in the past month I have discovered 4 fry. My tank, at this rate will not be able to handle the fish load. My Lfs will not take them for fear of disease. What do y'all recommend I do? Thanks
  2. Aqueonevolve4

    Good luck with dirt? I have!

    10 gallon dirted planted tank. The usual miracle gro organic choice.
  3. Aqueonevolve4

    Is this anubias flowering!?

    10 gal planted/dirted
  4. Aqueonevolve4

    Aquaclear filter

    How do you all like aqua clear filters?
  5. Aqueonevolve4

    Show your dirted planted tanks!

    This is my 10 gallon dirted. Miracle grow organic choice. Water sprite, java moss, anubias barteri, amazon swords crypt ludea an an unknown crypt species as well as an sae and 5 zebra danios. Lighting is 2 10 watt 10000 k and blue actinic lights. Tiger terror said that these lights would not...
  6. Aqueonevolve4

    Help with skiddish fish!

    My zebra danios (6) are the friendliest fish. They would follow your finger around the tank and go nuts if you even got close. Today however when I turned the lights on they freaked out and have been hiding ever since. Tank is heavily planted and all levels are fine. What the H haha
  7. Aqueonevolve4

    Will ich treatment kill live plants?

    Please help/more info/ experience
  8. Aqueonevolve4

    New tank question

    I have a ten gallon planted tank. It has about 2.5 watts a gallon, it's dirted, the plants are doing great. They include 2 types of crypts, amazon sword, water sprite, java moss and anubias barteri. I have a school of 6 zebra danios and that's it. I want to upgrade to a 29 gallon. My question...
  9. Aqueonevolve4

    10 gallon dirted tank 1week

    Lighting is 2 10 watt 10000k and blue actinic bulbs. Substrate is miracle gro organic choice.
  10. Aqueonevolve4

    Betta tank

    Java fern and java moss with a very happy betta :)
  11. Aqueonevolve4

    Planted nano rescape!

    API plant zone once a week, co2 boost every day. Betta seems happy!!
  12. Aqueonevolve4

    Tied java fern to driftwood

    Hopefully, in time it will look like a tree and I can centralize it with a java moss lawn :)
  13. Aqueonevolve4

    Complete planted tank renovation!!

    4 gallon Aqueon evolve 4. Got a new betta so I decided to redo the entire tank!! Started with some actual plant substrate ( caribsea flora max) the. Went crazy planting!!! Tell me how you like it!
  14. Aqueonevolve4

    Rescaped 4 gallon, new betta!!

    New betta today for the 4 gal "Penelope" ( girlfreinds name choice ) haha and trimmed the plants wayyyy back!
  15. Aqueonevolve4

    3 month update 4gal

    AQueon evolve 4 gallon. Planted. Co2, fertilizers and the plants have gone wild. Stock is a blue paradise fish and an oto cat :)
  16. Aqueonevolve4

    Blue paradise fish

    Female blue paradise fish in the planted nano
  17. Aqueonevolve4

    Co2 in nano??

    Hey ya'll could someone here whos had experience with pressurized co2, please tell me there experience with it? Is it worth it in general? I have a 4gal very thickly planted tank and would like to introduce a small co2 system. Stock is 5 neon tetras, a pond snail an an oto cat.
  18. Aqueonevolve4

    Neons with plants

    Update on the nano :)
  19. Aqueonevolve4

    Broad leaf ludwigia doing great!!

    Go api leaf zone!! All of the plants in this syand are cuttings from each other and other ludwigia, in only 3 weeks!!
  20. Aqueonevolve4

    HELP:: neon tetra losing scales!!

    Is it going to die?
  21. Aqueonevolve4

    Does one snail mean more?!

    Are they bad for a planted tank??
  22. Aqueonevolve4

    Thick plant scape 4 gallon

    Plant capacity has been reached!! No co2 just api ferts and stock light.
  23. Aqueonevolve4

    Can i switch from sand to dirt?

    Hey everyone i have a 4 gallon fully cycled and heavily planted nano tank. Could i take everything out, including the sand, and replace it with some planting stratum? Will it harm the fish when i reintroduce?
  24. Aqueonevolve4

    Opinions on mirimo moss ball?

    What is the benefit of having this in the tank!!?
  25. Aqueonevolve4

    Bio ceramic rings in aquarium?

    Are they good to have?
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