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  1. M

    Blue Ram Bubble Addict

    k. Maybe Rams just like bubbles then. :fish2: Don't worry. I wouldn't try messing with the water. I'm not a chemist! Though I like to pretend I am when I get to play with the test tubes at water testing time. =)
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    Blue Ram Bubble Addict

    I don't know anything about swim bladder but is this something I should/could try to avoid by removing the airstone? That would be sad if his curiosity caused health problems...
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    Blue Ram Bubble Addict

    My Blue Ram often goes and "gobbles" bubbles from the airstone, swims away and releases one or two halfway across the tank. Does anyone else have a fish, Ram or not, that does this? He is an active fish, constantly exploring the tank and begging me for food anytime I come up to the tank BUT...
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    Heaters: I need help ASAP

    Good luck with the new one. You'll have to keep us posted. I had read reviews on so many heaters for small tanks when I was looking into getting a small quarantine tank. None of the reviews seemed very promising! I think the one with the best reviews for what i was looking for said it would...
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    Heaters: I need help ASAP

    I played with my heater in a 5 gallon bucket for a while to get it to "work." I learned it was 6 degrees off from what it was set at. (It had a temp dial) So you can fiddle around with yours in a bucket. Maybe put it in obviously colder than room temperature water to see if it kicks on. Then...
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    20 gallon tank suggestions?

    I have 2 male guppies, 7 pristella tetras, 1 male blue ram and 4 kuhli loaches in my 20 gallon. The ram chases the tetras occasionally but hasn't hurt any. No other signs of aggression with that group. If I had to do it over again I'd probably go with neon tetras vs pristella just because i...
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    Stocking input?

    According to you are already at 132% capacity so I wouldn't push it by adding any more.
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    Zach's 46g Bowfront Journal

    You're just in Florida right? The test kit shows as $19 on Amazon now but when I got mine it was only $16. And really the investment in a test kit or taking in water samples regularly to petsmart is definitely worth it... cheaper than replacing your fish =) The site is fun to...
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    Back to this hobby and it's definitely changed.

    I'm a newbie so take what I say with a grain of salt... I did fish-in cycle with guppies also. Basically I didn't want to stare at an empty tank for two months so I chose this route. I was a SLAVE to water changes though. The highest my ammonia ever read was .5. Someone else can correct me...
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    ick help please

    Sorry about the Ich =( I'm seeing the tail end of an Ich outbreak. I moved 5 fish OUT of the main tank where new fish brought Ich so I could use meds in the main tank. The sick fish were only in there for half a day when I noticed a few spots on each. Thankfully none of the fish I moved got...
  11. M

    Pool sand?

    Looks great!!
  12. M

    How long should i wait before adding new fish?

    I was just on to check if I could put a trio of corydoras in my 12 gallon. =) It will have a few guppies swimming around up top and I thought a few bottom dwellers will make it more lively. So I'm in the same boat. =) I like that you can put in your tank size on that site and...
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    I swear I boiled my driftwood for about 8-10 hours because it kept turning the water so brown...BUT that may have been a little excessive because even though it was turning the water a lil brown still at the end it didn't discolor my tank water. It's been in there for months now too. I think...
  14. M

    Micro bubbles and overstocked?

    I opened this because the micro bubbles in my tank annoy me. Annnnnnd, I have the same filter. ha. They really are annoying right?! Sorry I have such a useless reply.
  15. M

    where to find tank decor

    Unfortunately it's not big. =( I had it in my 20 high but switched it to my 12 gallon and it looks much better in there. I was relieved I could appease the child by spending a dollar at the thrift store. They are so expensive! Though I have seen two others since then! ha. That might just...
  16. M

    Pool sand?

    I used half a 50 lb bag for my 20 gallon. I used Quikrete Pool Filter sand. I couldn't find the courseness on the bag but it was labeled No. 1153 if that helps. I was sooo nervous when rinsing it because it looked really dark but it wasn't dark when it was in the tank. Just when rinsing so...
  17. M

    where to find tank decor

    I got my fake plants, a castle(my daughter begged for one as soon as i mentioned an aquarium) and a useful rock cave at Goodwill. =) I got real plants and lace rock on craigslist and driftwood at a mom and pop petstore because it was way cheaper than the chain stores. And I went right outside...
  18. M

    Fin ripped Male guppy

    Poor lil guy. =( I don't have any useful advice because I'm a newbie but I'm in the same boat as you. I moved my male guppy to an iso tank because I think it was either another of the guppies that got him or a gbr that has since been returned to the store. (I saw them both giving him a lil...
  19. M

    Ich, Ich, GO AWAY!

    Thanks for the help everyone! I guess I shall try to be a lil more patient. Its hard to watch it get worse. Does anyone know if the fish I had listed will tolerate salt well? (gbr, pristella tetras, guppies)
  20. M

    Ich, Ich, GO AWAY!

    I've been treating Ich in my 20 high(thanks to new fishies) for over a week now. I noticed two fish that had 3-4 white spots and got quick cure(melachite green and formalin) later that day and gave them the first dose. I've been doing a 25% water change with vacuuming before giving them a 3/4...
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    Can I add plants while treating tank for Ich?

    Thanks! I'll wait to add them then.
  22. M

    Do Ich meds cause bacteria bloom?

    Thanks for the reply. Thats exactly what I was wanting to hear. I was worried I had some other new problem to combat. Sorry you're dealing with it too though. =(
  23. M

    Can I add plants while treating tank for Ich?

    I've been dosing daily with Quick Cure while keeping the tank at about 88-90. (not purposefully at 90...but the fish don't seem to care) I had to remove the filter and my precious bacteria because the carbon couldn't be removed. I am now using a brand new filter AND my Bio-wheel halts often...
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    Do Ich meds cause bacteria bloom?

    I learned the hard way why I need a quarantine tank for new fish and introduced ich into my aquarium a week ago. I had kuhli loaches and ghost shrimp so I moved them into a plastic tub(I had an extra filter) and then started dosing the aquarium with the new fish with Quick Cure. I gradually...
  25. M

    Hit the aquarium jackpot, Yeah

    I have no useful stocking suggestions. I just wanted to say AWESOME! I already want a larger tank. =)
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