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  1. B

    Blue tang.

    It's gone.
  2. B

    Blue tang.

    I've looked everywhere. I even moved rocks. Now rear you say that, I wonder if the diamond goby buried it I mean. Now that you say that
  3. B

    Blue tang.

    It's a 40. I know that it's small. But I was going to keep it for a while then trade it for different fish later down the road The blue tang was only an inch in size
  4. B

    Blue tang.

    Yesterday I brought home an anemone and a baby blue tang. Everything seemed to be going ok before I went to bed last night. This morning the blue tang was gone. I've been looking for hours. Even moved some rocks to see if it got stuck somewhere. Is it possible the anemone ate it. I also have 2...
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