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  1. M

    Feeding the community a balanced diet

    We have that happen. We feed a large varied diet. Everyone's main staple is flakes except for the Puffers and their main staple in Pond Snails. Right now, everyone is tired of Tubifex Worms. We still feed them but they aren't eating with gusto but they also know better that they'd better eat...
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    honeys & corys -- how many in 30 gal?

    I would not do 8 Honey Gouramis in a 30 g tank. 6 Corys are fine. Personally, I like having an even number of males/females of the Cory. Or 1 male to 2 females. The Gouramis should be in pairs and since you are talking species only...I would really on do 4 Honey Gouramis - 2 males 2 females with...
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    Breeding Corys?

    We breed Peppered Cory. Our temperature is 78 degrees F. We feed a vareity of frozen, freeze dried, live foods along with pellets and flakes. A 20% water change and replacement water is cold. We also create a thunderstorm with the shell air bubble stone leaving it on for a few days and then...
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    Something cool

    It is possible for their colors to enhance or change as they grow especially if your Guppy was young when you bought him. Ours (that we raise) to because fully colored for months - and yes their colors change and get brighter usually overtime as they mature. (at least that's my experience.
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    Do snails add to the bioload of the tank?

    My fault JChillin. I apologize. Apple Snails are better than Mystery Snails if you are looking for a snail that patrols eating everything not just dead plant matter, vegetation, and stuff like that.
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    Do snails add to the bioload of the tank?

    <<The theory that they remove an equal of amount of waste that they produce is not exactly proven and like msmonih suggests, your filtration and your tank maintenance will play a part in keeping things level.>> I did not say that they remove an equal amount of waste that they produce. I said...
  7. M

    Which FW Tropical Flake Food ?

    Hikari foods - tubifex worms, brine shrimp, blood worms, algae pellets Omega One - tubifex worms, brine shrimp, blood worms, spirulina Wardley Shrimp pellets Tetra Min tropical flakes Wardley flakes Tetra Dial a Meal Tropical flakes. Top Fin - blood worms, algea thins San Francisco Bay Frozen...
  8. M

    Ehiem Pro II

    We have 2 Eheims 2213 2215, they are wonderful filters. It has been worth the money spent on them. They stretch out the carbon use. Filter media last longer, less water changes, and the aquarium water is very clean. Plus you can tailor your Eheim to your fishes needs much easier than you can a...
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    Bettas and Salt

    We have Corys in all our community tanks and we aquarium salt our freshwater tanks too. 1 tsp of salt per 5 gallons. No one has any problems and yep the Betta tanks are salted too 1 tsp per 5 gallons. Hope this helps. Hope this helps.
  10. M

    Odd things to feed fish

    We do feed treats to our fish. Home grown feeders, fresh veggies, live worms but not greasy foods or junk foods like pizza crust, french fries, and pop tarts. I would nix that. Plus the fries have salt on them and its not good in the aquarium water..... But yes our fish are very spoiled, the get...
  11. M

    Do snails add to the bioload of the tank?

    We have snails in 13 of our 19 tanks. In my 55 g, I have about 12 apple snails but it also has 2 Emperor 400 filters on it. We have a good deal of snails. Yes they do contribute to the bioload but at the same time....they do the majority of the "nasty" cleaning up in most aquariums. In our snail...
  12. M

    Black Mystery Snail had babies!

    That's up to you. We don't leave egg clutches on our aquarium walls. We remove them and hatch them in a kritter keeper it goes a lot faster than them hanging on the aquarium wall. Hand feeding? Our snails know when it is feeding time. They make their way up to the top of the water line. They...
  13. M

    Black Mystery Snail had babies!

    If you have Apple snails, there is a dried up egg clutch somewhere on your aquarium wall or up underneath your filter. The Pros? * They help keep debris to a minimum * You can train them to be hand fed * They come in tons of different colors The Cons? * They are very hard to sex * Once they...
  14. M

    when can the baby be introduced?

    We put our fry in their community tanks once they are larger than a mouthful which is about 1" to 1 1/2." We use a grow out 6 g tank for our fry. Good luck. And I agree if the fry survived that long without being eaten more than likely it would continue to do okay. We had one Molly fry & Guppy...
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    Mollie Pregnancy Cycle...a few other things

    Personally I am against separating the female from the rest of the tank. I would (and its just me) float some plastic or real plants at the top of the water. The fry will naturally hang out there. We've successfully had over 4 batches of Molly & Guppy fry in a 29 g community tank. Nobody gets...
  16. M

    What fish have you bred ?

    Mollies (1 fry a month - long story)...Guppies (endless amounts)....we are waiting to see what the Gourami bubblenests end up producing.
  17. M

    My Platy's in mid-Birth!!

    You said her counterpart died. It is very possible that the other fish' death had some affect on her. When our Pearl Gourami male passed our female was just hanging out at the bottom of the tank occassionally swimming and eating...But once we replaced him she perked up and swam around. Our Molly...
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    Community Tanks - Spawning Success !!

    Thanks everyone. Oscarbreeder I do have a few questions for you. How do you tell a male/female Oscar from each other? We want to get a mate for our new Oscar while he/she is still a Juvi but we are hoping to sex the Oscar first. Your help is appreciated!
  19. M

    Community Tanks - Spawning Success !!

    Hello All !! It has been awhile. Been very busy and dedicated to our aquariums. I am happy to report that our 3 pairs of our Blue Gouramis are now in high gear of spawning in our 90 g community tank. We also have some pregnant Endlers who we are anxious to drop their fry. In our 55 g community...
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    Starting a couple of new tanks ideas ??

    Actually I am in Baltimore about 30 minutes from Annapolis. You are welcome to harvest from us once we get a good tank going. The invert. tank will have no fish in it. Thanks for the info on the crayfish etc I really appreciate it. The 5 g is a definite Dwarf Puffer aquarium. Getting the...
  21. M

    Starting a couple of new tanks ideas ??

    Hello Everyone. I am setting up a few new tanks today and am looking for ideas. I am thinking of doing invert. tank... Variety of colored mystery snails - pink, purple, blue, ivory, black Ghost Shrimp Algae Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Blue Crayfish or Lobster Long Arm Prawn Well Planted I have a 12 g...
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    Stocking Schedule

    We have a tendency to slightly overstock our aquariums. We resolve it by having double filters usually 2 Emperor 400's. I personally would go ahead and finish out your stocking of the Glolites and hold off on stocking anymore for the next 30 days. IMO its better sometimes to do it slow when it...
  23. M

    Are guppies normally agressive?

    We have killer Guppies in our 29 g. 3 of them a male & 2 females ganged up on our smallest male - ripped his fins and literally just tore him to shreds while we were out - he later died after I put him in seclusion. Everyone swears Guppies are so nice and don't harass but I've seen different...
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    Ich and panted tanks

    We have treated our tanks with Ruby Reef Kick Ich it doesn't harm the plants, shrimps, fish, or snails. It's a 3 wk long treatment. Hope this helps.
  25. M

    New babies

    I give my fry some powdered fry food and a liquid fry food you can get them at your LFS. As far as doing anything special, no I don't. I just keep with my regular water changes, I look at them daily to see what changes they have gone through because they are a good indicator when something is...
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