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  1. G


    So, I have some ich happening. It's now in 3 of my tanks. I'm usually super careful about not cross-contaminating, but obviously not careful enough. I know how to treat the bettas and have been doing so with high temps and salt. However, I have one tank that most definitely has ich and also...
  2. G

    What to do about angelfish

    Hi all - I have a newly set up angelfish tank. I've had the fish about 3 weeks - tank was long established and fully cycled before I got the angels. I upgraded and moved all the fish from the existing tank into a new one and the angels got the old one. It's a 55 gallon tank with 6 angels and 6...
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    Sponge filter for 55 gallon?

    Hi all - Question for the experts. I need some filtration advice. I have a 55 gallon tank with 6 angelfish and 6 kuhli loaches. I'm currently running an Aqueon Quietflow 75 on it and had also purchased a small canister filter for it, but it was a dud so it's going back to the store (black...
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    Angelfish, filter current, and another question

    Hi all - my wife wanted some angelfish, so I set up an angelfish tank for her over the weekend. It's a 55 gallon corner bowfront (picture a realllllly tall slice of pie). I currently have just a spare filter on it - it's an Aqueon Quietflow 75. The filter was completely cycled in a bucket in my...
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    HOB filter replacement

    Hi all - I won a 120 gallon aquarium in a raffle (yay!) complete with filters - two Aqueon 75 gallon HOB filters. I know not the best, but they were free! I plan on putting my existing fish and filter from my 55 gallon tank into the new tank and also adding the small community I have in a 25...
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    S-shaped dwarf gourami

    Hi all, One of my dwarf gouramis has been bent in an S shape for a while now. I noticed it one evening and inspected him closely, and he seemed to have a small spot of scratched scales right where the bend happened. I figured he had been injured somehow, so I have just kept a close eye on him...
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    When can you overstock?

    I have a 54 gallon corner tank. I have a Rena Filstar XP3 filter, and my tank is fairly heavily planted - about 60-70% of the substrate is planted. My water conditions are pretty pristine. I do a weekly 50-75% water change, and before the change it always tests 0 ammonia and nitrite and barely...
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    Feeding the community aquarium

    Hi all. I was hoping for some advice on if I need a more varied assortment of food for my community tank and, if so, what do I need to get? I have: 11 neon tetras 10 harlequin rasboras 10 rummynose tetras 6 peppered cories 3 dwarf gourami handful of ponds snails (must get an assassin soon!)...
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    Feeding a community tank

    Tips on feeding a community tank? Do you just feed an appropriate amount and hope/assume everyone will get something? I have a new tank (cycled) with a 10 harlequin rasboras and 11 neon tetras right now. I'm going to add a school of panda cories, a school of glo tetras, and a couple of dwarf...
  10. G

    Filter too baffled?

    Hello - I recently completed a fishless cycle in my 54 gallon tank. I have stocked it with 10 harlequin rasboras and 11 neon tetras, and then on Tuesday my LFS will have in my honey gouramis and 15 pygmy cories. I have a Rena Filstar XP3 filter. The filter was absolutely blowing around the...
  11. G

    Loud filter - Rena Filstar XP

    Hi all, I have a brand new Rena Filstar XP3 I set up today. It's making a horrendous loud whoosh/water running sound. The sound is definitely not the filter itself - meaning not a rattle or a hum or an impeller sound. I put my head next to it in the cabinet, and the filter motor is nice and...
  12. G

    Help with arrangement/aquascape

    So I have a 54 gallon corner bowfont, I'm trying to figure out how to arrange it. I'll be making a 3D styrofoam background. I have a decent sized piece of driftwood. I also have a number of plants and will be ordering more. I either want to make the 3D just for one side of the tank and do...
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    The millionth filter media question

    I have searched and searched and come up with so many different answers. I was wondering if people would be willing to share their own canister filter setup and the reasoning behind the order of the media, etc. I have a Rena Filstar XP3 for a 54 gallon tank. I am 100% willing to buy new filter...
  14. G

    Remove silicone without removing seal

    Long story, but I had to remove my 3D background from my tank. It came off okay with some elbow grease. The silicone came off a lot more easily than I expected. The residue is coming off pretty well with isopropanol. Now my problem is the silicone that's left is ON the aquarium seal itself...
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    Snail eggs nooo!

    So I have 2 mystery snails that got put together in the same tank about 3 months ago (long story). I didn't know the genders, but after 3 months of no eggs I thought they must be the same sex. Surprise this morning - a gigantic pile of snail eggs the size of a volkswagen. My daughter was...
  16. G

    Where are my nitrates?

    I'm just curious. Anyone know how heavily planted a tank has to be to have 0 nitrates? I thought it was like SUPER heavily. I tested this morning and got 0/0/0. I haven't done a water change since Monday. I haven't gotten a nitrate reading on my work desktop tank in a month. It is a cycled...
  17. G

    Heater in filter compartment?

    I have the 4G Fluval View as my desktop tank at work with a betta in it. I have a small 25W adjustable heater in the filter compartment - it's kind of a trap-door behind the tank basically where the water circulates from the bottom of the tank and then kind of waterfalls out the top. It has been...
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    Help stocking 54 gallon?

    I just can't decide what I want to do. I have an empty 54 gallon that I will be starting to cycle, hopefully this weekend. Fishless cycle, seeding with mature media and gravel. The tank is pretty tall, 23 inches. I will have a ton of caves, and it will be moderately planted. I can't decide...
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    Another lighting question

    I have a second-hand 54 gallon corner tank. It has a glass top. I'm going low tech with ferts and liquid carbon. I will be planting low to moderate light plants. I have no idea of the age of the bulb that came with the lighting unit. I can't even find any bulbs online by this company, so it...
  20. G

    Plastic pots - aquarium safe?

    After a recent disaster, I am gunshy about putting things into my tank. I have to re-do my DIY 3D background, and I have this idea of building in a few little caves and hidey-holes. I may or may not be doing a betta sorority in this tank, but hiding places can't hurt anything and will look cool...
  21. G

    Hornwort - what gives?

    So I got some bunches of hornwort from my LFS. Bought them all at the same time out of the same tank. I distributed them among my 3 tanks and put them in the tanks about a month ago. I have a desktop tank at work - a 4 gallon fluval view with 1 betta - where the hornwort is doing great. It's...
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    Filter media in air powered filter

    I just ordered one of those Lee's Triple Flow corner filters for my 10G betta tank. I need to replace the current filter because I just hate it. The tank right now has 1 betta and 2 mystery snails in it, but the snails are going to be relocated. The tank will only ever have the 1 betta in it...
  23. G

    Looking for advice - again

    So I had a bad start of things with my 54 gallon tank. I used the wrong kind of silicone to glue my 3D background in - I managed to somehow grab one single tube of kitchen & bath silicone in the mix of door/window tubes, and the anti mildew gunk poisoned my fish. They were acting weird and then...
  24. G

    Recommend a filter please?

    So who has a filter they LOVE? I have a secondhand Marineland Magnum 350 on my 54 gallon tank. It's working fine I'm sure. Keeps the water sparkling. However, it is loud and it has a really violent output that freaks out the fish. I have to baffle it or they all huddle in a corner. By loud...
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    Maybe sick? Hanging out in top corner

    Hi - I may or may not have a sick fish problem. I recently upgraded tanks from a 10G to a 54G. I have 2 glofish and 1 leopard danio along with 2 golden apple snails. I have had all of these guys for about 3 months now. No illnesses previously. I do have a sick betta (totally different tank...
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