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  1. M

    Restarting my used tank?

    Hey everyone, I have a 1.5-2 gal (not sure) tank that I had my betta in. Unfortunately he recently died from fun rot that I was unable to spot and treat in time to save him. Is there anything I should do with the tank to prevent this from happening when I get a new betta? Any special way to...
  2. M

    Help! Sick betta?

    Hey everyone, My betta was once a brilliant blue and now he is starting to turn redish and is missing his top (dorsal?) fin. His 2 long fins on his sides look like they have been nipped but he isn't with any other fish in the tank. He isn't very active anymore and a few times I have had to tap...
  3. M

    Aggressive Molly?

    So I have 6 assorted mollies in my 45 gal tank (and will be adding more fish like guppies, platys, and tetras) and the one Dalmatian has been chasing around the others and acting fairly aggressive. He's bigger than the other mollies and won't leave them alone. Should I isolate him in a...
  4. M

    Can these fish be safe in the same tank?

    Hey everyone! I have a 45 gal fluval bowfront that I'm looking to stock with Mollies, tetras, guppies and a Pleco. A person at our LFS said that having a betta in the tank to start will help get the tank started in cycling. Will the other fish start to nip at the bettas fins once it's...
  5. M

    Stocking advice? And question

    Hey everyone! I recently bought a 45 gal fluval bowfront starter kit (as I am a beginner) and wanted to know about how many of each type of fish you recommend I get to start out. I know that some of these are live bearers and may interbreed. That's ok :) baby's are welcome. I how many of each...
  6. M

    New tank and fish suggestions???

    Hey everyone! I was thinking about getting a 20gal or maybe larger. I'd like to have some neon tetras, guppies, mollies, and a Pleco. How many of each do you suggest? I know that some are schooling fish, they are live bearers so we will have babies, and only need 1 Pleco. Also any tips on...
  7. M

    New tank advice?

    Hi everyone, So I was thinking of getting a new tank for my betta fish that was about a 2-3 gallon square or bow tank. Any ideas on brands? I want one that come with a filter, heater, and light (if possible because I am a beginner) and is a decent price that you can find in Canada. Any tips or...
  8. M

    New girl :)

    Hey everyone! I'm new here and excited to have found a website like this :) I have a 2 gallon hex tank and a lovely blue betta named dexter. I've recently become obsessed with fish keeping :p and hope to learn a lot from everyone one here. :) thanks!
  9. M

    Newbie, new tank,and questions

    Hey everyone! I got a betta fish a couple of weeks ago and have him in a two gallon hexagon shaped tank (I can post a pic if we need one), that does not have a heater or a filter. My betta seems really active but sometimes I worry that it's too much.. He like to hangout in a corner and swim...
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