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  1. Kellet18

    Discoloration on pleco

    Ok thank you for your help!!? Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  2. Kellet18

    Discoloration on pleco

    Could it be possible that he could be still stressed from when I got him 2 months ago? MY water parameters are as follows Ph- 7.2 Ammonia -0 Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 Hardness-150 Alkalinity-120 I think the water appears to be in normal conditions Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  3. Kellet18

    Discoloration on pleco

    Yes it is discolored patches on his back He is in a 45 gallon tank with only small guppies and an albino Cory catfish Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  4. Kellet18

    Discoloration on pleco

    Hi! I am really new to this forum! I have a common pleco who is about 2 months old and I recently noticed spots of discoloration on his back he has been acting normal though and I haven't noticed and unfamiliar behavior. I'm worried and not sure if this is a disease he has or what I should do...
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