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  1. Jaeroo

    Monte' Carlo Not Growing!!!

    So, my Monte' Carlo isn't growing. Figures I can't get an easy plant to grow. :banghead: I have a high light dirted tank. Parameters are okay so there's no problem there. It has grown a little horizontally and started lots of new 'vines' but it's just dormant now. I don't know what's going on...
  2. Jaeroo

    Nano Paludarium

    So I've been throwing the idea around about making my aqueon evolve 4 (the tank is 3.7g to be exact) into a paludarium. Haven't really read about it too much so I am asking what the basic things you need to have in order for this to work. I would like to make this inexpensive because this is...
  3. Jaeroo

    Columnaris?? Sick Lambchops

    Recently bought 5 lambchop rasboras and immediately noticed that two of them looked like they had fin rot. I tested Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates and they were all 0. One died the other morning so now I'm down to four (the one in the pictures with the white spot on the dorsal fin has passed)...
  4. Jaeroo

    Jaeroo's Planted Tank Journey

    Seven months after picking up a 20g long for $22 at a petco, and after countless hours of reading and planning (but mostly reading) about everything, I finally think I am ready to give this tank a go. The idea was to make it a Walstad tank, but I'm not sure if it would be considered one anymore...
  5. Jaeroo

    Which DW Piece Looks Better?

    Which DW piece do you think looks better? I want to imitate a theme like this: 1st piece: 2nd piece: So, which one would look better? I would like to attach plants to the branches as well as surround the whole piece with plants. One of these pieces will go into a 20g long. They look huge...
  6. Jaeroo

    Dwarf Mexican Crayfish

    Has anyone successfully kept Dwarf Mexican Crayfish (CPO) in a dirted tank? I would really like to get one or two but idk about them burrowing into the substrate. I have clay in the dirt (so it will be more compact) and it might be messy for a bit but i guess it'll just settle down and that...
  7. Jaeroo


    So, for my 20g tank I will be doing the Walstad method, which means I can't (nor do I want to) get LEDs for my tank. It will be planted and i need a total of 1.5watts per gallon. So, my question is, what bulbs/fixture am I looking for here? I need like T5 or something. I'm basically clueless on...
  8. Jaeroo

    TFP,TPP Closing Down??

    For all you fish keepers who know of "That Fish Place, That Pet Place" in Lancaster. ("The Largest Fish Store in the World (or America?)", I guess) Are they closing down? I have heard rumors of it and they are starting to have less and less display fish tanks and have less supplies stocked than...
  9. Jaeroo

    Dwarf Puffers!

    Alright guys I have a question about the diet of Dwarf Puffers. I know they are supposed to get a variety of live or frozen foods. I was planning to grow a grindal worm culture as opposed to white worms (because they are smaller? And I have had trouble in the past with their food being too large...
  10. Jaeroo

    Dwarf Puffers!

    Alright guys I have a question about the diet of Dwarf Puffers. I know they are supposed to get a variety of live or frozen foods. I was planning to grow a grindal worm culture as opposed to white worms (because they are smaller? And I have had trouble in the past with their food being too large...
  11. Jaeroo

    Diana Walstad Method: Buddies Needed!!!

    Hey guys, does anyone have tanks that are run by the Diana Walstad Method? I am reading Diana's book and I feel like I need a more experienced person willing to help me along if I have any problems with the tank along the way. I currently have a 20g long but I'm thinking about getting a 40b...
  12. Jaeroo

    Aquascaping and stocking advice for nano

    So, I have an Aqueon Evolve 4 (4g) and I need advice for aquascaping and stocking it. I would like to make it planted (preferably dirted) with some DW or rocks. I was thinking of having it mostly capped w/ dark brown or black gravel and then an open part of it w/ sand. Would sand be good or...
  13. Jaeroo

    Malnourished Bala Shark PLEASE HELP

    I currently have a Bala Shark in my 55g family tank and he has had cloudy eyes for awhile that was greatly effecting his eyesight. This caused him to starve because he couldn't see the food. I got Melafix (I think that's how you spell it) and his eyes are getting much better. Unfortunately the...
  14. Jaeroo

    New planted tank: New to the plant world please help

    Okay right now I currently have a 10g heavily planted high tech tank. It has some type of dark fluorite (I think seachem). Currently no fertilizers, co2 system, root tabs or any of that jazz but the plants are doing very well (I'm planning to get a co2 system soon). I don't understand...
  15. Jaeroo

    So.....Intro? (please read!)

    Hey guys what's up! Let me just give you a brief background of my experience with the fish world. I got interested in it when I was about 12 or so (I'm 15 now :dance:). My dream was to get a 20g long at first but I just wasn't money bags. (And yeah I have to buy everything I own 'cause mama...
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