10 gallon diy build

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 25, 2013
So I have had this tank sitting around for a while and I found an awesome piece of driftwood so I decided that I was gonna get this tank going again. Using misc parts I have lying around and fixing them up to use on the tank. Got 2 hob filters (unkown brand) And I'm thinking of using two 30 watt household energy saving bulbs?? Any issues possibly with using them for a basic low tech planted aquarium??

Also finished the tank stand today. Pretty happy with the outcome! I used old pallet wood that cost almost nothing to buy! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1429467231.993725.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1429467252.649078.jpg let me know what you think:)

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Nice, there's a lot of potential there. What are the tanks dimensions?

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It's 45cm x 31cm and 32cm high

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Stand complete.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1429644018.743831.jpg
Now to create the frame to suspend the lights above the tank

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Nic driftwood and great work on the stand! Any thoughts about stock?
Nic driftwood and great work on the stand! Any thoughts about stock?

Thinking of doing some Galaxy rasboras and maybe an oto.

Sent from aliens in outer space studying humans and their activities.....
Liking the tank that driftwood is gonna look nice with some moss hanging off it. I think two 30 watt lights might be a bit much for a 10gal, you could maybe go with one of those but just see what others say and try it out. Planted tanks are all about trial and error with what works individually for your plants and their requirements, going to be following along :)
Liking the tank that driftwood is gonna look nice with some moss hanging off it. I think two 30 watt lights might be a bit much for a 10gal, you could maybe go with one of those but just see what others say and try it out. Planted tanks are all about trial and error with what works individually for your plants and their requirements, going to be following along :)

Yea I think I meant to say 2 x 15watt bulbs :/ thanks Matt .
coz then it will be about 3 watt per gallon and I should b able to grow quite a few types of plants

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Thinking of simple plants, crypts moss and Java ferns possibly Anubis

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Yea I think I meant to say 2 x 15watt bulbs :/ thanks Matt .
coz then it will be about 3 watt per gallon and I should b able to grow quite a few types of plants

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Thinking of simple plants, crypts moss and Java ferns possibly Anubis

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Don't worry haha I think we all wish we could maintain a high tech tank straight away.

If this is your first planted tank then yes that's a good range of plants to start with, there are others like amazon swords, hornwort, milfoil, subwassertang (coolest plant ever), anarchis, pennywort and various hygrophilias. I love crypts so many varieties.

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I will look into those but I guess it all depends what my lfs has. We don't get as many varieties here in South Africa as you guys there in the USA :(

Sent from aliens in outer space studying humans and their activities.....
I will look into those but I guess it all depends what my lfs has. We don't get as many varieties here in South Africa as you guys there in the USA :(

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Try living in Australia ;) but I totally know what you mean.

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So it was a long weekend here due to Freedom Day so I got a lot done. Stained the stand, set up the lights on the frame with a geyser timer. Cut some cool alcoholic bottles to use as shades. Might change them in the future but it's pretty easy to do so,so no issues if I don't like them.

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The wall will be painted a lighter color and obviously the pictures will be moved elsewhere. Still have a few finishing touches to do but otherwise it's basically done. Soon I can get the actual aquarium going ?

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So the wall finally got painted and I collected some gravel and the tank is now finally set up! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1430764586.469316.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1430764606.125978.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1430764623.932471.jpg

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Photos of the setting up process

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Really like that piece of wood (y)

I do too!!! One of the nicest I have had.

Have a feeling it might create a few issues as it will most probably aid in evaporation but I guess we will see...?

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So it's been a while but the tank has not been forgotten. Been adding plants here and there and eventually I found what seemed to me to look the best. The tank has been going for about three weeks now and I added four Galaxy rasboras yesterday. Very happy with them.
The plants are:
Hen en kuikens (chlorophytum corosum)
Viola sororia
Mondo grass
A small fern
And some marshy type grass which has been growing in my pond for a few years.

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Seems that so far my small experiment is working. The plants are growing and happy without having substrate to root into. Time will tell I guess

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