10 gallon fish stocking help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 9, 2011
Let me start with my tank set up.
10 gallon with whisper PF10 filter
Sand substrate
Drift wood with oak leaves on the bottom
Well planted with Anacharis, amazon sword, argentine sword, and dwarf sword.
With a low PH

So I'm trying to keep it a south American tank, no particular river or anything just South American.

Now for fish.
I have 6 corys (I got them before I learned they are specific to their species of Cory)
1 skunk
1 schwartzi
2 peppered
2 albino

And finally 6 neon black tetras.

So my problem is all my fish live on the bottom, and I would really like to get a fish that would swim in the upper/mid range of the tank.
Is my tank to over stocked to add one more? I was thinking a blue German ram, but from what I read my tank is maybe to small.

Maybe a really small tetra species?
NOT NEONS, nothing but bad experience with those.

Sorry for writing so much, buy if your not informed, how can you inform me :)
IMO the tank is stocked. But if you wanted a centerpiece, all I recommend is a small pencilfish or maybe platy and you have some very good filtration. If you wanted another school I would suggest upgrading if you can.
So I'm not over stocked?
Platys are south American?
Is there a species of tetra that don't live in groups?

I really wanna upgrade to a 20 or bigger but space is an issue right now.
Techinically platies are from Central America but I consider them to be in the same place. Or if you can find them, there are a few species of mollies that come from the Amazon...

No from my knowledge all tetras live in groups. If you don't want them to school then don't put a big fish in the tank, schooling is a defensive measure.
I don't mind them schooling, I was just looking for a single fish.

So that would be a no on the German blue ram?
I can never win lmfao, alright Ill Keep looking into the subject. If you have any other ideas let me know.
You could do a betta, but they are from S.E. Asia and can be aggressive. I don't really know of any South American fish other than Cichlids(Rams, etc.) and Catfish (Plecos) that are not schooling.
I might be getting a 30 gallon, so I'm going to move the skunk, albinos and schwartzi to that one so I can add more of their own species with them, get a mating pair o GBR for that tank and a school of tetras.

Than in the 10 gallon add 2 peppered Cory to give em some friends and call it a day,

Bringing the total count or the 10gal to 10 fish and a work in progress for the 30 :D

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