10 gallon low light (15W), low tech planted tank filter?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 5, 2004
Glen Ellyn, IL
When I am done playing with my all glass 10 gallon test tube, I am going to try some plants. I have decided on the existing 15w lamp, have yet to pick the substrate, no co2. I am wondering on which filter to get with the plants in mind, and the possibility of going to higher light and co2 later.

What do you think?
(and I somehow suspect the smallest aquaclear will be the recommendation?) :lol:
Aquaclears are real good. I know most people wouldn't recommend a whisper filter, but I haven't had any trouble in my planted tank. As a matter of fact, I think its perfect for what I use it for. I bought the whisper 30 filter (It was only 16.99 at my lfs). It comes with a biobag, another pad for biofiltration, etc. The 2 features I like most about this is: the intake tube comes with 3 parts. You can set the length of the tube as to if you want the tube near the top of the tank, in the middle, or down at the bottom. The other feature is the adjustable flow control. I have mine throttled back to about 40-50% flow. It doesn't make any water distrubance, yet still does an awesome job filtering. It is completely silent. Course then agian, filters are flexable to consumers needs. This just happened to be a low priced filter at the time, and it had the flow control on it, which I wanted for when my guppies I was planning on getting had fry. Which btw, I currently have 5 of the little buggers swimming around in my 10 gallon right now. :)
I have been looking around, And I was thinking of the smallest aquaclear or the whisper. Aquaclears have such a good following on AA I was attracted to them. And I think its less than $15 online! I think it has a flow control too, which I think would be needed to reduce surface agitation for co2 retention. I still don't have a local source for plants. The local petsmart has great looking plants, all high light. Local LFS's have horrid looking plants. <sigh>
If the smaller aquaclears have a flow control, then you might as well get one of those. It will pay off in the long run. Like I said earlier, my lfs just happened to have the whisper 30 for a decent price, and for everything that came with it, I just couldn't pass it up. It is smart thinking tho to get a filter with a flow control on it. I don't know what kind of plants you are planning on getting, but I would recommend staying away from hornwort. Even tho it is a low light/beginner plant, If it doesn't get exactly what it needs, it will shed its piney looking needles which will make a mess of your tank. Javamoss and anacharis would be good for starters. If you don't want to have any hitchhikers (snails) then i'd recommend searching up how to get rid of snails. ( either 1:19 bleach:water or a potassium permanganite solution with water) Trust me, once you have snails I don't think its ever possible to get rid of them completely without tearing the whole tank down LOL.

In one of the last year's issues of Aquarium Fish Magazine they had an article on a low-tech tank that relied upon plants and few fish to keep it filtered. If this is intriguing, let me know and I'll try to dig it up and scan it for you.

I use a Whisper 10-20 gal power filter on my ten gallon planted tank. I keep: lace java fern, bacopa monniera, hygrophila corymbosa, one baby amazon sword, a lily plant that is growing like a weed, green cabomba, some type of anubias (??), and cryptocoryne wendtii and willisi. Everything is going great.
Lance -
sounds great! I am really looking forward to trying this out. My current small tanks got busy, but with spring cleaning I think I can find room for one or two more tanks :D After setting up two 55 gal tanks, I am discovering joy in small tanks. Its lots of fun to have several little tanks to do different things in. I have got to master the plant thing!

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