10 gallon nano-reef coming together

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Big update! All is well. Just bought a Pom Pom and a pistol shrimp! I also did something I probably shouldn't though... I bought a yellow clown goby on sale. My lfs said it would be good so I jumped on it for $4. All acclimating now
Awesome! Definitley need pics when you get a chance lol. I know how you feel about the goby....when I got my sexy shrimp I ended up getting a condy anemone. With the points I had saved up it was free so couldn't pass it up lol.

My sexy's love it hahaha.
Yeah ten gallon, that goby probably wasn't the best idea. You are definitely over stocked now, so you'll have to up the water changes a lot. :)

Dave, Unfortunately anemones require established tank. :(. Id be very cautious of it, they also need extremely high light, and I'm not remembering what you have?
Dave, Unfortunately anemones require established tank. :(. Id be very cautious of it, they also need extremely high light, and I'm not remembering what you have?

Yes, I do remember that in previous posts and I know I shouldn't have done it but it was free lol. I have been keeping a very close eye on him since I have put him in the tank. So far he has anchored himself to a rock and the base of the tank under the power head and hasn't moved. All parameters are in check along with salinity. so fingers crossed with him. As far as light my current gives 120 PAR if I remember correctly....will have to look up my instruction book for it.
Yeah ten gallon, that goby probably wasn't the best idea. You are definitely over stocked now, so you'll have to up the water changes a lot. :)

Dave, Unfortunately anemones require established tank. :(. Id be very cautious of it, they also need extremely high light, and I'm not remembering what you have?

Thanks. Will do. :)
Ok thanks. After an hour of dripping wouldn't it be back to room temp

I can't say for sure myself, I have always done the float and acclimate. I got a device that allows me to do both. I would "think" that the temp would stabalize with just the drip if the capacity of what is in the bag doubles during the drip.

Hopefully someone will chime in and correct me if I am wrong lol.
Psh coral and inverts I float for 20 and in they go. Fish get dripped though
Psh coral and inverts I float for 20 and in they go. Fish get dripped though

Corals I float and put in, but my shrimp etc I do acclimate. It doesn't hurt to just float and dump them?
I mean usually they're in the same salinity as our tanks since they dont do hypo well. Fish arent all the time though.
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