10 gallon tank needs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 30, 2008
Puerto Rico

I'm planning to buy (well, my parents will (hopefully!) a 10 gallon tank.
with that said, what are the most important things i should buy?
They have water test kits that test NitrAte, NitrIte, and Ammonia/PH (can't remember which one) It costs $30. Should I buy it, or should I buy the seperate tests? Also, should I get an airstone? I'm going to keep a pair of platys and 5 neon tetras. Any advice on it? Thanks! :D
I suggest buying the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals(API) Freshwater Master Test Kit. You can purchase the kit from Drs. Foster and Smith for 15 dollars plus shipping.

Other than a test kit, you will need a filter. For a 10 gallon tank, I would suggest using nothing smaller than a Hagen Aquaclear(AC) 50. They can be found fairly cheap online.

You will also need a heater. A 100 watt Visi-therm Stealth heater works very well for a 10 gallon tank, and can be found online for less than 20 dollars.

A thermometer is also vital. If you are making an order through Drs. Foster and Smith, I would pick up the 7 dollar digital thermometer that they have available. I have it, and it seems to do a fine job.

These are the "needs" of a tank, you will also probably want a substrate of some sort. I run a variety of substrates in my tanks. I have pool filter sand in a couple of them, fine black gravel in one, and pea sized white and natural gravel in another tank. Substrate is personal choice, but if you plan on creating a planted aquarium, you may want to do some research on it.
Good suggestions from Mike! I would say that your heater only needs to be 50 or 75 watts. I use Visitherm Stealth heaters also and like them very much. A heater is going to raise the water temperature about 10 degrees above ambient room temperature. If you have a chilly room, or the tank is in a basement, get the 75-watt heater. If your room temp is warmer, go with the 50-watt heater. I have 50 watt heaters in my 10 gallon tanks and they are fine. I did try a 75-watt heater and it was too long to fit vertically in the tank. In my situation, it did keep the water a little too warm. For your tank, either would work, depending on your ambient room temperature. The water temperature that you should aim for with your tetras and platies is about 76 degrees.
I'm guessing, as you're here, you've read up on cycling... if not, get going with that, and keep in mind you won't be able to get fish immediately.

Decide if you want fake or real plants-- if you want to go with a planted tank, you'll need certain lighting, and you may want to invest in a higher quality substrate instead of standard gravel.

You may want to get a top to discourage airborne sojourns.... some hoods will cover the entire tank and do a good enough job that you don't need a top, some hoods are only lights and you might want a top as well.
Since the place where I live is hot/warm year-round (it never drops below 74 degrees) I've never had a heater before. Should I still consider buying one?
I'm mulling over the whole real or plastic plants thing. I'll probably get the real ones though. They sell the tanks with filters over here, so I've always had Bio-wheel with a charcoal filter. But, you might suggest I look elsewhere for aquariums.
I have the natural looking gravel. do I absolutely have to put that other stuff in there?

okay, here's the current list then:

10 gal. aquarium with hood
special lighting for real plants
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Yes, I do know the cycling process. However, could I put some of my 5 gallon tank's water in the new 10 gallon? (i'd better ask before I create a total catastrophe lol)
A heater is a good idea to keep temps stable which is more important in smaller tanks IMO. A 50watt heater is plenty for a 10G, the stealth 50w states that it is good for 15G and can raise the temp 18deg F over ambient. A 75-100w is overkill IMO on a 10G.
Substrate. Got it :) Btw, can I use the water from my 5 gal. tank in the 10 gal.? I would use 5 gallons of new water and 5 gal. of the water from my other tank.
it's not really any benefit to using the old water it's the filter media that holds most of the beneficial bacteria so if you can put any additional media in the filter of your 5gal for a week or two that would give you almost an instant cycle. or if you are just upgrading from the 5 gal just use the filter (with used media) from that tank on the 10 gal with the new filter.

you should be fine with the natural gravel substrate you have for planting just use root tabs for plants that feed through the root like crypts and wendti. it may be a couple monthe before you see good growth from plants with a new set up since it won't be a nutrient rich substrate.
Ok, I'll put the new filter media in the old tank to grab that good bacteria. I'll let the (old) tank run for a few days and then I'll place the (new) filter media back in the new tank. Then I'll let it run for a couple days. Then, I will place the fish in their new tank. sound good?

here's the list so far:
(I added some other stuff because some people that I know recommended them)
root tabs
tank with hood
(i'm not going to use a heater, the temp has never been an issue over here)
a gravel vac
algae scrubber
"special" bucket for the use of my fishtank only
i would run the filter media in the old tank at least a week. it's better to wait a couple more days and run it longer in the old tank so you dont go through a cycle that ends up being twice as long. then you can add the platys the day after you set up the 10gal and get everything the way you want it. let the bacteria catch up to the platys bioload for a few weeks and then add the neons.

with it being a planted tank you dont want to seriously vac the gravel. you can just skim the top in between the plants if needed.
So, you are saying that after week (when the new filter media has already been exposed to the good bacteria) I should set up the 10 gal and then let the platys in the ten gal? or that I should let the platys in the tank as soon as I fill up the 10 gal?
lol, good thinking about the vac.. I should have thought of that..
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