10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2013
Thinking about getting another 10 gallon tank. I still want to do freshwater fish and have my tank a mob theme. What are some small fish that would be good to use? Everything I can think of to fit the theme would be to big for the tank size.
That could be a possibility. I like the fact that they can be kept without a heater and are forgiving if the water isn't perfect. I will definitely look into these a little more. Thanks for your advice.
You could have a Betta, they would love a 10 gallon, snails and ghost shrimp (hopefully the betta wouldn't mind them). Also Betta's are not good with other fish tank mates, so snails and maybe shrimp will be the only options for a betta tank. Correct me if I am wrong. Sometimes people get them to work with other fish, but that is if you have a lot of décor and swimming space.

I think a honey gourami could fit In a 10 gallon, correct me if im wrong.

This is just a list that you could research and pick from, not to add all together:
endler's livebearers
dwarf rasbora
ember tetra's
pygmy cories
dwarf puffer (only 1 or 2, species only)
dwarf African frog (species only)
neon tetra's
I'm really liking the Betta idea. I'm using a darker background with like the city in it, and a old car figurine from that time and the dark blue I've seen on some bettas would be perfect for the look I'm trying to achieve. Thanks for the ideas.
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