100 gallon bichir tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2003
Here is a fairly recent shot of my 100gallon, low-light bichir tank.

Plants include:
Aponogeton crispus
Anubias hastifolia
Bolbitis sp.
and some fake Hygro to fill out the left corner until I can get some more big Aponogeton to replace it.

Fish (not visible in this picture) include:
Polypterus bichir lapradei - X1
Polypterus palmas buettikoferi - X1
Polypterus palmas palmas - X1
Polypterus palmas polli - X1
Polypterus retropinnis - X2
Polypterus senegalus - X1
Ctenopoma kingsleyae - X2
Ctenopoma acutirostre - X2
Synodontis brichardi - X1
Synodontis soloni - X1


Fruitbat, you're such a tease. I was hoping to see bichir's from the thread title and all I get is a picture of driftwood and plants. Tease.
Thanks for the comments!


That tank is definitely on the low-light end of the spectrum. Standard fluorescent aquarium fixtures and no CO2. That's one of the reasons you don't see any 'ground cover' plants....the other eason is that bichirs don't like the bottom to be covered with plants (makes it tough for them to find their food).


Here's a recent shot of the 12" Polypterus bichir lapradei (the so-called 'Guinea lapradei' variant) that is in the tank.


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