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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 30, 2006
Well its been 2 years since I gave away my last tank a fw 45 hex. Now Ive decided to go marine and I recently purchased a 100 gallon tank which I plan on going full reef. Ill be moving here in about 2 months and it is now driving me crazy to have an empty tank with a full list of ideas. I guess the wait will just give me time to talk here on the site about all of my ideas, oh that and save money. Im glad yall are here to give advice.
Cool. Welcome too!

Whatcha got on your wish list for lighting, fitration, etc, etc, ect? C'mon, share some of those ideas you got. :wink:
Well since you asked.
Right now Im really leaning towards T5 Lighting. What ever I do will be retro kits, but based on some of the adice I have gotten here Iam looking at setting up a 6, 80watt bulb setup using two Ice cap ballasts oh and individual reflectors.

As much LR as I can afford, alot of base rock to start with.
I will definantly have a skimmer of some sort though I do not n=know which. I have to friends with CPR backpacks that they really like but niether of there systems have the amount of water that I will with a sump. I have been looking into the euro somthing or other sump models. Im planning on using as big of a sump as I can get under the stand.

well that pretty much sums up my wish list for now.
Im planning on using as big of a sump as I can get under the stand.

Aqua C EV skimmers series gets my vote since you might have the room with that big sump. With speed fitting just in case you want for dosing.
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