10G FW Planted Aquarium Build Thread #2

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Aha...you teaser...I wish I could have a pond too, but my landlord will not permit that. LOL. I don't really know if they do eat algae, I know the common pond snails will eat the dying plants and the extra uneaten foods of the fishes, but I don't know if they will eat algae. I think the nerite snails are the ones that eats algae, as far as I know. Still want them?

Me? A teaser? No. Never! :p

I'll still take them, but only if you ship UPS Ground. ;) Seriously though, I could just put them directly in my pond and get a few Nerites from my LFS.

What in the world is going on w/ your cycle?!
Me? A teaser? No. Never! :p

I'll still take them, but only if you ship UPS Ground. ;) Seriously though, I could just put them directly in my pond and get a few Nerites from my LFS.

What in the world is going on w/ your cycle?!

Okay dockie...UPS then. :)

I know, right! I didn't know if I messed it up by adding pure ammonia as food for the good bacteria? I thought I have to add some so the bacteria will not starve...man, am confused now..very...:confused::confused::confused:
daileene said:
Okay dockie...UPS then. :)

I know, right! I didn't know if I messed it up by adding pure ammonia as food for the good bacteria? I thought I have to add some so the bacteria will not starve...man, am confused now..very...:confused::confused::confused:

If that was a question, you got it right and 4ppm seems to be the agreed upon standard. if it wasn't, just ignore my post lol.
oh okay....whewww....so 4ppm is not bad, it went down to 2ppm today already, but the nitrite went back up from 0.25ppm yesterday to 2ppm, so I didn't know if I messed it up...****sigh********
oh okay....whewww....so 4ppm is not bad, it went down to 2ppm today already, but the nitrite went back up from 0.25ppm yesterday to 2ppm, so I didn't know if I messed it up...****sigh********

I knew I should have shipped you 5 gallons of my tank water, some gravel and a few ornaments. ;)

I wish I could help, but um...

I kind of just "winged it" w/ my cycle and didn't even take readings until 1.5 months later when I found out I only had Nitrates showing up. Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone. Some people actually think I know what I'm doing. lol
LOL LOL LOL you are sooooo cute.....

well, maybe i will take that advice to lessen my stress, right?

the only problem with me is, i cannot wait for it to cycle...i am becoming impatient coz I want fishes now....NOW...NOW....LOL LOL LOL....just kidding....NOT....hehehehe.....

anyway, patience patience....is a virtue....
LOL LOL LOL you are sooooo cute.....

well, maybe i will take that advice to lessen my stress, right?


Oh, I don't know about that. lol I will tell you one thing... I never added straight ammonia, (I didn't even know about doing that until I joined AA). I just used fish food. Yeah, no joke. 1.5 months later it was cycled. Of course it could have been cycled before then, but I didn't check the water for 1.5 months. I just figured it would do it's thing. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "a watched pot never boils". ;)
oh yeah, a millionth times..LOL..

well, i just decided to do the pure ammonia thing because I've heard in here that it is better than flake food. I did the flake food in my 5G and until now it is still not cycled. It's weird, i had the ammonia keeps on stalling at 4ppm even without feeding flakes for almost a month. Did a water change, it will go down and then it goes back up at 4ppm, without food...so I was like, okay, in my 10G, i will try the pure ammonia, just to see which one works better...i guess none so far, in my case anyway...LOL

i am a hopeless case
okay so I have been slipping (teeeheee)....so here are my level updates:

4/5/11 4 weeks fishless cycling 8:20AM:
Ammo=1ppm, NO2=0ppm
5:00PM: Ammo=0.50ppm, NO2=0ppm (added 1/2 tsp pure ammonia)

4/6/11 4 weeks 1 day (7:40PM): Ammo=1ppm, NO2=0ppm
4/7/11 4 weeks 2 days (1:37PM): Ammo=0.50ppm, NO2=0ppm (added 1/2 tsp pure Ammo)
4/8/11 4 weeks 3 days (4:53PM): Ammo=0.50-1ppm, NO2=0ppm (added 1 tsp pure Ammo)
4/10/11 4 weeks 5 day (7:32PM): Ammo=0.50-1ppm, NO2=0ppm
4/12/11 5 weeks (added 1/2 tsp before checking levels around 5PM):
Levels checked around 6:07PM: Ammo=2-4ppm, NO2=0.50ppm (whhhoooaahhh)

Hope it will lower down tomorrow....**sigh**
Okay, I know it's been over a month since I updated. It has done its cycling finally and I was able to add residents last month. I originally had:

1 x male veiltail betta (he died after a week)
5 x harlequin rasboras (still alive and happy)
2 x cardinal tetras (originally 7 and 5 died right after the betta died)

Added 1 x male dwarf rainbow gourami last 2 weeks ago in replace to the betta.

All of these fish came from petco so I didn't know if the betta and the cardinals were sick but the others are pretty much okay until now.

Water parameters are all okay...so I am happy with that.

Please click on my album link below to see how the kids look like:



P.S. I am thinking of adding 4 pygmy cory cats in here for bottom dwellers. I already have 1 nerite snail in here but I think the corys will help eat the excess foods. Are they okay with my current residents? Please let me know and also tell me if I will overstock. Thanks all in advance.
Sorry to hear about the losses :(. I had a tough start with Cards because they were wild caught. My farm raised are much hardier.

Pics please :)? lol

oops, missed the link :p.
That was what I heard about them being a toughy to raise coz of them being in the wild. I will still try though. I love the look of them more than the normal neons.

I hope you like the pictures.

I have to take more pics coz I just trimmed the rotalas and so it looked like it is not a jungle anymore in the left side and in the back. I know they will grow more, they always do.
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