10g FW Planted Build

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Congrats on the new Fish! Ive been following this thread for some time and its coming along great!
Thanks, Tyler!

Here's a brief video of them after I turned the lights on. I took this about an hour ago, and they're even more active now. I just love these little guys!

They look great. A black background would make them stand out much better, and make the tank look bigger/better.

Thanks, Jonathan. I've been wanting a black background, but my LPS has been sold out of them in my size for some time. I wish I would have thought to paint it before I set everything up.
Thanks, Jonathan. I've been wanting a black background, but my LPS has been sold out of them in my size for some time. I wish I would have thought to paint it before I set everything up.

A buddy of mine put some black poster board from Office Max on the back of his tank and it looks really nice. I am having a sign company that I used to do work for cut me some pieces of vinyl to stick on the back of my two tanks. He said it would be a couple bucks for all of them (one for my 20g high and my 30g long). Just a couple of other options for you to look into! Fish look good from what I can see in the pictures (work blocks youtube :( ).
wow mel, they all look so great...i am going to get the CPDs too in my tank once it is done cycling....congrats new fish mama..;-)
Thanks everyone for the compliments.

Meegosh - wonderful idea. I bought black poster board today to put behind the tank and it looks great!

My little guys are still doing great. I was originally going to get sparkling gouramis to go with them, but I love them so much, that I'm just going to get a few more CPDs and keep it a CPD/RCS tank.

They eat micro pellets, flakes, and freeze-dried food well. I was nervous after reading a handful accounts of them being picky eaters, but all is well. I ordered starter cultures of daphnia, vinegar eels, and microworms today to keep on hand as live treats for them. I feel bad about just feeding them flakes/pellets. I want them to have the best!

Thanks again, everyone, for the guidance and support. It's a pleasure to be a part of your community.

good to know mel...about the food they liked..i am taking notes once I will get my baby fishes later on...;-)
Good to hear your CPDs are healthy eaters, I've had ones that were quite scared of their food. Glad to hear ur gettin your fish live food, i love watching my fish hunt.

Do you know what species of daphnia you are getting? Monia and Pulex, GD auto-correct, should be fine but Magna will be too big for your CPDs.
Happy Plants!

Do you know what species of daphnia you are getting? Monia and Pulex, GD auto-correct, should be fine but Magna will be too big for your CPDs.

Honestly, I don't know :/. It was an ebay auction and all it said was "mixed size". Hopefully they'll work. If not, I'll keep them alive for when I stock my 20 gal with some bigger fish.

In other news, my plants have been pearling like crazy since I added the DIY CO2... here are a few pretty pictures :)

Anubias Nana


Java Fern


After tapping the leaves with a toothbrush:

Just a pretty picture that I got by happenstance:
pH, and GH, and KH, oh my!

Hey all,

I just got my GH and KH test kit, and I'm trying to measure how much dissolved CO2 from my DIY system I have in here... Anyhow, we have some pretty nasty water around here - rather soft and alkaline, and when I tested my tank, these were my results.

GH - less than 1 degree
KH - off the chart high. It took 22 drops of the API solution to get it to yellow, and the chart only reads to 12 drops... so I guess that makes it 22 degrees?
pH - 7.5 (tap water is 8.2)

Anyhow... according to an online calculator, that gives me ~20ppm CO2, so I guess all is well.

SM sent the rest of my fishies off to me today. Yay :). I can't wait to introduce them to their new home.

Also, keep an eye out for a new update on my 20gal this week. It's going to be exciting :)
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