10G Nano Setup

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Ammonia was down to about .25 so I redosed to about 2-3 ish. Nitrites are off the charts, definitely higher than 5. nitrates staying a consistent 20 for about 3-4 days. How much longer we talking here, 1-2 weeks left still possibly?
Thinking yeah... couple more weeks... if your nitrItes are high - like 100ppm high then it'll be close to change over to nitrAtes. It'll happen over a couple days. I'd give it 2 more weeks at min. This will really cure your rocks.
After all this time my girlfriend and I are still undecided on what is going in the tank. We have narrowed it down to a false percula and a yellow goby, or a false percula and a black and white clown. With hermits of course and corals. Good thing we still have a little more time to decide.
Personally... a pair of clowns are the neatest. Im thinking im going to keep my 10gal up and get another pair of clowns, black and white ones this time for my 29gal im working on.
it took my 12 gallon almost as long to cycle as my 55 gallon did because i accidently over dosed with ammonium chloride. i am about to get some new fish to put in the 12 gallon (going to be a QT tank for a while). But, my main point (yes there is one) is that I have a orange diamond goby who is just the best thing since sliced bread! He is constantly digging and has got a ton of personality. I would reccomend a goby fa'sho :)
Ammo was under .25 or 0 today. I've been continually dosing about 2-3ppm every other day. I do need to keep feeding ammonia until my nitrites read 0 correct?
dose then 24hours you should have 0 ammonia, then 0 nitrItes, and you'll have nitrAtes. At that point... do a 5-6 gallon water change. Test NitrAtes if low... 10 at the highest really... less than 5 is best, then add your snails to clean up the diatoms and algae growth ( I suggest a 10gal pack from ReefCleaners.org | Clean Up Crews and Macro Algae John is a great guy and sponsor here. Couple days later you can add a fish.. or if you get clowns, go ahead and add the pair. Then test water for ammonia daily. Have some water to do a gallon or 2 change just in case ammonia levels rise. Unlikely, but just in case :)
Today is the 7th day Nitrites have been off the charts. Nitrates are staying around 10. Ammonia is going from about 2-3ppm down to less than .5 in one day. Getting closer!
Really anxious to get home and test the parameters today, hoping to see a drop in nitrites!!!
I think once Nitrites go down then Nitrates go back up again... unless your at the end
Nitrites are still off the chart, "patiently" waiting. :)
Noticed a hair like something growing everywhere in the tank last night.
10 straight days of spiked nitrites, really want this cycle to finish up.
Likely green hair algae. turbo snails will munch on that, Id suggest ONE turbo. Or manually (pita) remove that.
Good testing today! Ammonia has been around .25 past few days so I put in a bit of ammonia to keep the bacteria going strong. Nitrite test almost looked as though it was down but finally turned dark purple still 5ppm or more. However, nitrates have been around 20ppm for a good while now, tested around 80ppm today. Feel like it wont be much longer now!
Ammonia is 0ish, Nitrites down to about 3-4ppm, Nitrates still high!
ok so dose to 3ppm ammonia Then test tomorrow same time. if ammonia is 0 and nitrites are 5-0 and nitrates are sky high your done.

IMO at this point you should get about 5 gallons of salt water mixed up since you want to do a big water change to knock the nitrates down to at least 10 (high but tolerable) Ideally you want to be 5 or less.

Snail shopping and fish shopping day is prolly gonna be tuesday.
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