10g Stocking Question~

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 2, 2010
So, I have a 10 gallon sitting around, and I'm getting a stand for it soon and all that stuff, so I'd like to know... what could I stock it with? I already have a betta and neon tetras in my 14 gallon, so I'm not a total noob or anything ^^ Please dont mention guppies or platies! Those are such boring and common fish IMO xP Thanks :D Looking forward to hearing suggestions :D :popcorn:
If you are willing to do a species only tank, you can keep a couple of dwarf puffers with a couple of otocinclus and maybe ghost shrimp (puffers might or might not eat them)

If you're interested here's a link:
Dwarf Puffers : Home

Hope this helps =)
Thanks guys, but the tank is gonna be in my living room, so something showy would be neat :D Although i havent seen kilifish before...
I cant see the images at all :/ But the images at the link are cool of the kilifish! I might look more into them ^^ How many could I have comfortably in a 10g? :D
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