10g Stocking Suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2009
Central Kentucky
So there are sooooo many fish I would love to put in my 10g tank lol. So I was just wondering if you all had any suggestions? Some of my favorites include Neons, Cardinals, Rummynose and Ember tetras, ricefish, Microrasboras/danios, Harlequin Rasboras, and Scarlet Badis. Anyone have any other suggestions? I know I can't have all of these, but jw. Any possible stocking lists you might suggest? Thanks :D.
I think I'd like emerald eye rasboras, badis, dwarf cories, otos... I know I just posted this stocking list :p....

I think rummies might be too big for a 10, but everything else should work. I've also found cardinals school tighter and are more active than neons, but that's jme
Ok, well I think I'll knock out neons and rummies off the list. I wish I could be more decisive lol. Not thanks raptor lol.
I know how you feel about being indecisive, ugh it is hard for me as well. You could get some sparkling gouramis, but if you are going for more color I would +1 the cardinals. Or the badis :) I have read that badis are picky eaters, jsyk.
+1 for picky badis. 7/8 I have will only eat bloodworms, and one will only eat mosquito larvae ><.
hmm it might be a little too difficult to get frozen/live food, so I guess they're out. Habrosus cories, those are dwarf cories right?
Didn't we have a thread very similar to this a couple weeks/a month ago? Someone listed 5 or so good stocking suggestions including snails, bettas, other fish, etc. I think DK posted it?
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