120g new member

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 11, 2008
Turlock, CA
I have graduated from a 14g nano to a 120g reef with 40g refriguim. thought that was all I would need... lol... I have now ripped one of my bathrooms apart to put my reverse osmosis, uv steralizer, calcium reactor, storage tank, ect bla bla bla. Converted my nano to a quarteen tank. Just dosing rock with purple up untill I'm ready for inverts. Tank has a yellow tang, sailfin tang, blue tang, 1 sand sifter star, snails, blue and red crabs, several shrimp, 5 green chromies, 4 yellow belly damsels, and one fat algie blenny. Now i'm fighting the rock that was un cured and lots of straglers came with it. 4 t5 lights 1 6700, 1 18000k, and 2 blue. :bowl: Any way HELLO ALL AND LOOK FORWARD TO CHATING
I'm new too, so welcome. That sounds like quite a set up. Lets see some pictures when you have a chance.

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