125 red belly tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 1, 2016
I have posted all over the place trying to get some input on this and can't seem to get a single reply ... I've already started planning the 125 gallon tank that my school of red bellies will be getting probably in the summer. What type of plants and decor would anyone recommend? plan on running at least 200 gallons of filtration and thinking a sand bottom? ideas? (looking for advice on plants, decor[rocks, driftwood] possible bottom feeders) PLEASE GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK

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i currently have 3 babies im growing up but obviously im looking to put a few more in the tank. for a 125 how many do you think that i could put? Im thinking that somewhere between 6-8 would be good.
is 120g big enough for red belly?

don't these things get 1-2 feet long? Is 120g even big enough?
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