12g/46ltr Tank, with a fishless Cycle

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 7, 2012
Hi guys, I recently bought a Fluval Edge 46ltr tank. It's not my first fish tank, but its my first fishless cycle.. my previous was just setup tank, wait 3 days an put the fish in an hope for the best.. let's just say 90% of the time it didn't work out...

Now I'm a little older, slightly wiser and somewhat more mature. I want to do it proper.. I'm also OVERLY cautious as to procedures etc. So to end with I have been through loads of cycle methods and read up about the nitrogen cycle.

My problem is.. I have setup and followed the nearly finished cycle guide.. it said to top up with 4ppm ammonia (for mine from homebase.. the value one with white bottle orange writing).. it doesn't tell me the concentration but 5ml gives 4ppm ammonia to my tank..

I waited a few days, and the ammonia was slightly dropping.. but I put it down to my live plants taking a bit each day.. it got down to 0ppm and I tested for Nitrites.. 0ppm bright blue.. so failed on that.. I retopped to 4ppm ammonia.. but then bought a mopani wood, I soaked it for a few hours in boiling hot water and added it to the tank as the tannins are a nice addition anyway.. that being said.. after 50% water change my ammonia went to 2ppm.. so I retopped it to 4ppm an left it for awhile.. this is now my third day after that an my ammonia is back down to 2ppm.. but absolutely no Nitrites..

My pH was at 7.5 but after introducing the mopani its now sitting comfortably at 6.8.. I know I'm doing it right, but with me being overly cautious I'm worrying to much.. I got 3 live plants, 1 mopani and the temp is at 80f.. could someone enlighten me or atleast give my mind a rest as to what I should do next..

I had no seeding materials except the live plants that were added..

Thanks in advance ;)
All this has been over 2 weeks btw an I am still seeing no results that let me know the cycle is starting "/
I think your fine. I'm doing a fish in cycle on a 10g and I just began to see nitrites a few days into my 4th week. I fully intended on doing a fishless cycle... But my mom unexpectedly got my son two platys... So there went my fishless cycle lol. Every tank is different when it comes to cycling, one tank may cycle in a month and another tank may take longer. As long as your holding a steady pH throughout your cycle you should be fine.
Nitrites typically show in week 3-4 on average; every tank is different. Usually ammonia wiill start dropping more quickly prior to nitrites showing up. Two weeks isn't that long for a cycle....give it more time. Also watch your PH; 6.8 is a bit borderline for bacteria growth. Since you have wood in there that's dropping PH you might want to add some crushed coral or crushed argonite; sold at most pet/fish stores in the saltwater section (it's sold in large bags though and you wont need much), add a few pinches to a mesh media bag or clean nylon stocking (never washed with chemicals) and add it to your filter. This will help buffer the water. It's a bit of trial and error of how much to add so add some, wait a day or so, test PH, if it's still low add more, etc. if it's too high take some out. Your tap water is 7.5 so aim for around that.

You also might want to test your tap for PH by letting a glass of water sit out for 24 hours (stir it up occasionally) and then test PH; sometimes tap PH changes after the water gasses out (e.g. my tap PH is 8.4 but after it degasses it goes down to 7.2 which is what my tank's PH is).

If you can adjust the heat, bump it up to 86.

Nitrifying Bacteria Facts
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