12g jbj nano..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 29, 2004
Las Vegas, NV

yes.. the nano.

i had this for about 3 months, used it for sw.. i then moved my clowns to a 29g tank...

$80 obo + shipping takes it

if you want to pick it up, I am in southern california, 909 area code, san bernardino to be specific..
Just curious, why you getting rid of it? Anything wrong with it, does it come with all the pics you have shown? I am in 626 area code.
nothing wrong with it... I bought it from jeffs exotic pets here in orange back in late jan...

it was used as a tank in my dorm, but I bought a new tank over spring break, for no reason other than to have a bigger one, and I really have no use for it now... I was hoping to use it as a mantis tank, but my mom shot that idea down, she didn't like the fact of me having something that was dubbed the "thumb splitter"
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