14 coralife biocube ques.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 14, 2012
Atl.Highlands N.J.
Just started my tank today. I only put live sand and protein skimmer and heater in. My fans don't seem to be coming on, is there a internal thermal switch? Or should they just come on with daylights on? Can I go get live rock Tom? And I read something about cured live rock is that what I want? Thanks for reading!
Horvy19 said:
Just started my tank today. I only put live sand and protein skimmer and heater in. My fans don't seem to be coming on, is there a internal thermal switch? Or should they just come on with daylights on? Can I go get live rock Tom? And I read something about cured live rock is that what I want? Thanks for reading!

You can put live rock in, that's actually what you wanna do, it will help cycle the tank. Also it would have been better to add the rock first then the sand jut incase you get some goby or pistol shrimp or something else that likes to dig. They can burrow under the rock and loosen the sand shifting the rock. Just be careful. Cured rock is better BUT you don't need all live rock either. You can use base rock also to save money.

If it were me and since it's a 14g I'd just go all live rock.

I would map out your aqua scape first either on paper or the PC get an idea of what you want the tank to look like this way it's easier to pick out the rock. It fun and exciting to pick out the rocks so have fun an enjoy!!

To answer the light question. The fan should kick on. I don't really know if there's a sensor or not. When I had the stock lights on my bio cube 29 the fans kicked on with the daylights.
I have a biocube and the fans sometimes make a lot of noise and they are known to stop working. You can add a computer fan and it's supposed to be a lot better. There is a video on YouTube about that so I would look that up.
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