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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 22, 2006
G'day everyone,

My name is Brandon and im new to this forum. Here is a sweet little tank I put together home made with low cost parts..

Tell let me know what you think!




Hehe... I work in a call centra and job is very laid back.. which in return gives me plenty of time to enjoy watching this scape grow!

Here are some specs:

7" Curved Glass Cube Vase
18W Phillips 6500k B22 Light, 9 hrs per day
2cm layer of JBL soil & 3cm layer of onyx sand
Dynaflo 10 mini filter


Willow Moss
Anubias Nana Petite
Hair Grass

Fish to be added:

Not sure yet.. Any suggestions?


Tiny Dosing of Seachem Range including NPK, Flourish and Excel
Could someone please move this to the aquascaping forum? thanks :)
i dont think any fish would be good for that tank but have u thought about a snail or afew shrimp? a few cherry red shrimp in there would be sweet. i really like what u have done. i have wanted to do that for so long but i need flourish excel. there is just no practicle way to inject co2 besides flourish. i assume that is ajust a small wooden stand make for holding the light. HC would look sweet covering the front of that. where did u buy your light?
mr funktastic - I was thinking of getting 2-3 cardinal tetras and an otto. Maybe some ghost shrimps as they are the only shrimps we can get here in Aus. Yes the stand is one I made myself using MDF wood and water based paint. The light was something I got for $10 AUD at Woolworths and just a screw on bulb for $5.
i think 2-3 cardinals and an otto would be to much. maybe a single guppy would look nice? the benifit of cardinals id that they school but not in only a group of three. u shouldne get any algea in that tank assuming ua re using excell and a full dosing scedule. so a little snail would be good for algea clean up. with it being that small it is pretty much useless for fish. more of justa minature underwater garden. like having a plant on your desk but much more interesting.
Unfortuantely that tank is so small that most fish are going to be way to much for it. You might be able to get away with a pair of Mosquito Rasboras (Boraras Brigittae) as they are extremely small. Personally I would go with 2-3 Cherry Red Shrimp. They are really great additions to tanks with lots of personality, and they are small enough that they won't put significant strain on the biofilter.
I seem to mention them in any post about teeny tanks, but Heterandria formosa stay quite small; a couple of young ones would be fine in there for maybe six to eight months. Then even they get too big!

I agree-maybe two cherry shrimp and one of a small variety of snail (or juvenile of a larger snail) would be nice in there. If you have a tank that two young, tiny fish and a snail could graduate to then you could consider them, otherwise stay with two shrimp.
Awesome! Please keep the updates coming.
That is a nice little tank. The wood looks like it has been growing for a while. Was that from another tank? A betta would be a decent choice or maybe a single Pygmy Croaking Gourami.
Very nice little tank! Trick now will be to keep algea at bay. Not much room for error. Looks great, keep us posted.
Looks great! Clever idea to use a vase.... I love the moss on the driftwood, and nice job on scaling the plants to the size of the tank. how many gallons does it hold?
Thanks for the kind comments guys..
Zezmo: The wood are pieces I have cut up fresh from a big piece. I boiled it 3 times and let it soak tannins for a week before I put them in.
Glenc: Algae should be very minimal. Even with the high light (18W).. Constant monitoring and dosing of Excel and Ferts should keep it at bay :)
Newfound: The tank holds 1.5 Gal max but after the substrate and scape, I'd say approx 1gal.
Ya I was thinkin endlers also.

I love the tank btw.
Makes me want to do a small one like that some day.
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